Links User Guide Reference Apache Tomcat Development | ChangelogTomcat 7.0.40 (markt) |
Catalina |
Update Tomcat's internal copy of Commons FileUpload to FileUpload 1.3.
54178: Protect against AsyncListener
implementations that throw RuntimeException s in response to
an event. (markt)
54791: Restore tools.jar entry in
jarsToSkip property to prevent warnings when running Tomcat
from Eclipse. (markt)
54851: When scanning for web fragments, directories without
any web-fragment.xml should not impact the status of distributable
element. Patch provided by Trask Stalnaker. (violetagg)
When an error occurs during the sending of a WebSocket message, notify
the Inbound side (where all the events occur that the application reacts
to) that an error has occurred and that the connection is being closed.
54906: Better error message if a
ConcurrentModificationException occurs while checking for
memory leaks when a web application stops. Also ensure that the
exception does not cause remaining checks to be skipped. Based on a
patch by NateC.
Allow 204 responses (no content) to include entity headers as required
by RFC2616. (markt)
Coyote |
Ensure write errors when using HTTP Upgrade with the APR/native
connector result in IOException s rather than errors being
silently swallowed. (markt)
Jasper |
54802: Provide location information for exceptions thrown
by JspDocumentParser. (kkolinko)
54801: Do not attempt to parse text that looks like an EL
expressions inside a scriptlet in a JSP document because EL expressions
are not permitted in scriptlets. (kkolinko/markt)
54821: Do not attept to parse text that looks like an EL
expressions in a JSP document if EL expressions have been disabled.
54888: Add support for CSV lists with the ForEach tag plugin.
Patch provided by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
Cluster |
Add several improvements for FarmWarDeployer. (kfujino)
jdbc-pool |
Document StatementCache interceptor. (kkolinko)
Fix minor threading issue in ConnectionPool .
54732: Fix leak of statements in StatementCache
interceptor. (kkolinko)
Fix NPE in SlowQueryReportJmx when running
TestSlowQueryReport test. (kkolinko)
Other |
Update to Eclipse JDT Compiler 4.2.2. (kkolinko)
54890: Update to Apache Commons Daemon 1.0.15. (mturk)
Convert remaining unit tests to JUnit 4 and enable Checkstyle rule
that forbids use of methods from JUnit 3. (markt/kkolinko)
Remove unneeded permissions for reading UserDataHelper properties
from catalina.policy file. The class that needed those
was moved in 7.0.26. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.39 (markt) | 2013-03-26 |
Catalina |
Ensure a log message is generated when a web application fails to start
due to an error processing a ServletContainerInitializer. (markt)
Prevent NPE in JAR scanning when running in an environment where the
bootstrap class loader is not an ancestor of the web application class
loader such as OSGi environments. (violetagg)
Ensure that, if a call to UEncoder#encodeURL is made, all internal
structures are properly cleaned. (violetagg)
54660: Enable the modification of an access log's
fileDateFormat attribute while the access log is in use.
The change will take effect when the next entry is made to the access
log. (markt)
Update Tomcat's internal copy of Commons FileUpload to FileUpload trunk,
revision 1458500 and the associated extract from Commons IO to 2.4.
54702: Prevent file descriptors leak and ensure that files
are closed when parsing web application deployment descriptors.
54707: Further relax the parsing of DIGEST authentication
headers to allow for buggy clients that quote values that RFC2617 states
should not be quoted. (markt/kkolinko)
Enable support for MBeans with multiple operations with the same name
but different signatures. (markt)
Deprecate Tomcat's internal Base 64 encoder/decoder and switch to
using a package renamed copy of the Commons Codec implementation.
Ensure that StandardJarScanner#scan will use the provided class loader
when scanning the class loader hierarchy. (violetagg)
Coyote |
54690: Fix a regression caused by the previous fix for
54406. If no values are specified for sslEnabledProtocols or
ciphers use the default values for server sockets rather than the
default values for client sockets. (markt)
Web applications |
Correct Deployer, Manager and Context pages of Tomcat documentation.
jdbc-pool |
52318: Version for imported package
org.apache.juli.logging is extended to include also 7.0.x
versions. The fix is applicable only when running in OSGi environment.
Patch provided by Martin Lichtin. (violetagg)
54599: Do not print connection password in
PoolProperties.toString() . Based on a patch by
Daniel Mikusa. (kkolinko)
54684: Add javax.naming.spi to
Import-Package header in MANIFEST.MF in order to resolve
ClassNotFoundException when running in OSGi environment.
Other |
Update to Apache Commons Daemon 1.0.14 to resolve 54609
which meant that installation of Windows service could fail
producing incorrect service launch command. (mturk)
Ensure HEAD requests return the correct content length when the
requested resource uses a Writer. Patch by Nick Williams. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.38 (markt) | not released |
Catalina |
Ensure that the request start time (used by the access log valve to
calculate request processing time) is correctly recorded for the HTTP
NIO connector. In some cases the request processing time may have been
longer than that recorded. (markt)
Add one more library from JDK 7 to the value of jarsToSkip
property in the file. (kkolinko)
53871: If annotation scanning results in a
StackOverflowError due to broken class dependencies, add
the class hierarchy that triggered the exception to the error message.
Add a new option to the standard JarScanner implementation
(scanBootstrapClassPath ) to control if the bootstrap
classpath is scanned or not. By default, it will not be scanned. (markt)
Provide more consolidated servlet MBean data in the webapp MBean.
54584: Take account of the delegate attribute when building
the web application class path to pass to the JSP compiler. (markt)
Copy the updated and re-packaged UTF-8 decoder from Tomcat 8.0.x and use
this improved decoder for WebSocket connections. Remove the WebSocket
specific UTF-8 decoder. (markt)
54602: Recycle the byte to character converter used for URIs
between requests to ensure an error in one request does not trigger a
failure in the next request. (markt)
Use the newly added improved UTF-8 decoder for decoding UTF-8 encoded
URIs and UTF-8 encoded request bodies. Invalid UTF-8 URIs will not
cause an error but will make use of the replacement character when an
error is detected. This will allow web applications to handle the URI
which will most likely result in a 404 response. The fall-back to
decoding with ISO-8859-1 if UTF-8 decoding fails has been removed.
Invalid UTF-8 sequences in a request body will trigger an IOException.
The way the decoder is used has also been improved. The notable change
is that invalid sequences at the end of the input now trigger an error
rather than being silently swallowed. (markt)
54624: Ensure that the correct request body length is used
when swallowing a request body after FORM authentication prior to
restoring the original request preventing possible hanging when
restoring POST requests submitted over AJP. (markt)
54628: When writing binary WebSocket messages write from
start position in array rather than the start of the array. Patch
provided by blee. (markt)
Coyote |
Refactor char encoding/decoding using NIO APIs. (remm)
Web applications |
54203: Complete the Javadoc for
javax.servlet.http.Part . (markt)
54638: Fix display of "Used" memory value for memory pools
on the status page in Manager web application when the page is rendered
as XML. (kkolinko)
Correct typos in configuration samples on SSL Configuration page
of Tomcat documentation. (kkolinko)
Disable support for comments on Changelog page of Tomcat
documentation. (kkolinko)
Fix several issues with status.xsd schema in Manager web
application, testing it against actual output of StatusTransformer
class. (kkolinko)
Clarify the documentation on how context paths may be configured for web
applications. (markt)
Other |
54601: Change to consistently use
LOGGING_MANAGER variable to configure logging,
instead of modifying JAVA_OPTS one. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.37 (markt) | 2013-02-18 |
Catalina |
54521: Ensure that concurrent requests that require a DIGEST
authentication challenge receive different nonce values. (markt)
54534: Ensure that, if a call to
StandardWrapper#isSingleThreadModel() triggers the loading
of a Servlet, the correct class loader is used. (markt)
54536: Ensure the default error page is displayed if a custom
HTTP status code is used when calling
HttpServletResponse#sendError(int, String) . (markt)
Coyote |
54456: Ensure that if a client aborts a request when sending
a chunked request body that this is communicated correctly to the client
reading the request body. (markt)
Update the native component of the APR/native connector to 1.1.27 and
make that version the recommended minimum version. (markt)
Jasper |
54239: Enable web applications to provide their own
Expression Language interpreter to enable them to optimise processing of
expressions. Based on a patch by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
Web applications |
54505: Create clearer links from the JNDI How-To to the
Tomcat specific options for configuring JNDI resources. (markt)
Other |
Update to Apache Commons Daemon 1.0.13. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.36 (markt) | not released |
Catalina |
Make additional allowances for buggy client implementations of HTTP
DIGEST authentication. This is a follow-on to 54060. (markt)
54438: Fix a regression in the fix for 52953 that
triggered a NPE when digested passwords were used and an authentication
attempt was made for a user that did not exist in the realm. (markt)
54448: Correctly handle @Resource annotations on
primitives. Patch provided by Violeta Georgieva. (markt)
54450: Correctly handle resource injection when part of the
servlet properties uses @Resource and the other uses
injection-target . Patch provided by Violeta Georgieva.
54458: Include exception when logging errors in the
DataSourceRealm. Patch provided by Violeta Georgieva. (markt)
54483: Correct one of the Spanish translations. Based on a
suggestion from adinamita. (markt)
Prevent the SSO deregister when web application is stopped or reloaded.
When StandardManager(pathname="") or DeltaManager stops normally, all
sessions in the context are expired.
In this case, because most sessions is not time-out, SSO deregister was
triggered. (kfujino)
Include the exception in the log message if the parsing of the
context.xml file fails. (markt/kkolinko)
54497: Make memory leak detection code more robust so a
failure in the leak detection code does not prevent the Context from
stopping unless the error is fatal to the JVM. (markt)
54507: Do not start the background thread that is used for
expiring sessions (amongst other things) until the web application is
fully started. Stop the background thread as soon as the web application
is stopped. (markt)
Allow WebSocket Ping/Pong messages to be sent between fragments of a
fragmented message. (markt)
54612: Check if the socket is closed before trying to write a
WebSocket message to it. Also, flush any partial buffered data before
closing the socket. (markt)
Coyote |
54324: Allow APR connector to disable TLS compression
if OpenSSL supports it. (schultz)
54406: Fix NIO HTTPS connector to prune specified
ciphers and sslEnableProtocols options to those
supported by the SSL implementation, sharing logic with the BIO
connector. Modified ciphers and sslEnabledProtocols option pruning to
not silently revert to JVM defaults when none of the options specified
are supported - new behaviour is to warn and explicitly enable no
options. (timw)
Align NIO HTTP connector with other HTTP connectors and include leading
blank lines when determining the size of the HTTP headers. (markt)
Jasper |
53869: Performance improvement for pages with lots of heavily
nested tags. Retain a reference to the root JSP context rather than
traversing the hierarchy on every call. Based on a patch suggested by
Sheldon Shao. (markt)
54440: Correct a regression caused by the changes for
54240 that broke compilation of JSPs with JspC. Patch
provided by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
54466: Improve error message by including the name of the
file when the java file generated from a tag file cannot be compiled.
Based on a patch by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
Cluster |
Fix incorrect increment of counterSend_EVT_SESSION_EXPIRED
and counterSend_EVT_CHANGE_SESSION_ID . These values are not
incremented if no members active in cluster group. (kfujino)
54476: Correct error in Javadoc of GroupChannel send methods
to maker clear that the minimum length of the destination member array
is one, not two. (markt)
Prevent SSO deregister when node shutdown normally in cluster
environment. (kfujino)
Check cluster member before sending replicate message in
ClusterSingleSignOn. (kfujino)
Web applications |
54461: Improve the documentation for the compiler attribute
in the Jasper how-to. (markt)
Add Jespa to the list of third-party Windows authentication providers
and make external links in the documentation for those providers
no-follow . (markt)
Tribes |
54496: Don't use a hard-coded class name in
MemberImpl.toString() . (markt)
Other |
Update to Apache Commons Daemon 1.0.12. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.35 (markt) | 2013-01-16 |
Catalina |
54247: Prevent ClassNotFoundException s on stop
when running as a service. (markt)
54249: Ensure resource properties are available when the
context path contains encoded characters such as a space. This triggered
compilation issues in Jasper. Patch provided by Polina Genova. (markt)
54256: Improve error reporting when a JAR file fails
extension validation by including the name of the JAR file in the
exception. (markt)
Allow web applications to be stopped cleanly even if filters throw
exceptions when their destroy() method is called. (markt/kkolinko)
Fix memory leak of servlet instances when running with a
SecurityManager and either init() or destroy() methods fail
or the servlet is a SingleThreadModel one. (kkolinko)
Cleanup method cache lookup code in SecurityUtil class.
Make the Tomcat 7 non-JSR356 WebSocket implementation non-blocking
(where supported by the connector) between the HTTP upgrade and the
first WebSocket message from the client to the server. (markt)
54262: Ensure that an empty
<absolute-ordering /> element in the main web.xml
file disables scanning for web fragments. Based on a patch by Violeta
Georgieva. (markt)
54284: As per clarification from the Servlet EG, anonymous
Filters and Servlets are not permitted. Patch by Violeta Georgieva.
54371: Prevent exceptions when processing web fragments for
unexpanded WAR files when the context path contains characters that
need to be encoded in URLs such as spaces. Based on a patch by Polina
Genova. (markt)
54372: Make HTTP Digest authentication header parsing
tolerant of invalid headers sent by known buggy clients. (markt)
54377: Correctly set request attributes for AccessLog in
RemoteIpFilter. Patch by Violeta Georgieva. (markt)
54379: Implement support for post-construct and pre-destroy
elements in web.xml. Patch by Violeta Georgieva. (markt)
54380: Do not try to register servlets or contexts into the
mapper too early (which just caused a warning to be logged). (kkolinko)
Fix NPE in WebappLoader.stopInternal when stop is called
after a failed start. (kkolinko)
54381: Add support for receiving WebSocket pong messages.
54382: Fix NPE when SSI processing is enabled and an empty
SSI directive is present. (markt)
Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
HttpParser when parsing incorrect HTTP headers. (kkolinko)
54387: Deployment must fail when multiple servlets are mapped
to the same url-pattern. (markt)
54391: Provide a value for the
javax.servlet.context.orderedLibs attribute. (markt)
Coyote |
54248: Ensure that byte order marks are swallowed when using
a Reader to read a request body with a BOM for those encodings that
require byte order marks. (markt)
Fix release of processors in AjpNioProtocol . Wrong object
was used as a key in the connections map. (kkolinko)
Jasper |
54240: Add support for auto-detection and configuration of
JARs on the classpath that provide tag plug-in implementations. Based on
a patch by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
54241: Revert the fix for 35410 as it was not
compliant with the JSP specification, specifically that
<%= obj %> must be translated to
out.print(obj) which in turn becomes
out.write(String.valueOf(obj)) . This will trigger a
NullPointerException if obj.toString() returns
null . The fix for 35410 incorrectly suppressed
the NullPointerException in this case. (markt)
54242: Correct handle null iterations with in the JSTL
ForEach tag plug-in implementation. Patch provided by Sheldon Shao.
54260: Avoid NullPointerException when using
JSP unloading and tag files. (markt)
54370: Improve handling of nulls when trying to match sets of
parameters to a method in EL. (markt)
54338: Correctly coerce the value to the expected type when
using the tag plug-in for the JSTL set tag. Patch provided by Sheldon
Shao. (markt)
Web applications |
54244: Clarify the documentation for the BIO and NIO SSL
configuration attributes sslEnabledProtocols and
sslProtocol within the documentation web application.
Integrate documentation of Tomcat 7 with Apache Comments System.
People can leave their comments when reading documentation online
at the
site. (rjung)
Other |
54390: Use 'java_home' on Mac OS X to auto-detect JAVA_HOME.
Tomcat 7.0.34 (markt) | 2012-12-12 |
Catalina |
53871: Improve error message if annotation scanning fails
during web application start due to poor configuration or illegal
cyclic inheritance with the application's classes. (markt)
Fix unit test for AccessLogValve when using non-GMT time zone. (rjung)
54170: Ensure correct registration of Filters and Servlets in
the JMX registry if the Filter or Servlet name includes a character that
must be quoted if used in an ObjectName value. (markt)
Add new attribute renameOnRotate to the AccessLogValve.
54190: Correct unit tests for BASIC authentication so that
session timeout is correctly tested. Also refactor unit test to make it
easier to add additional tests. Patch by Brian Burch. (markt)
54220: Ensure the ErrorReportValve only generates an error
report if the error flag on the response has been set. (markt)
Simplify time zone handling in the access log valve and correctly handle
various edge cases for non-standard DST changes. (markt)
Web applications |
54198: Clarify that
HttpServletResponse.sendError(int) results in an HTML
response by default. (markt)
54207: Correct JNDI factory package name in Javadoc for . (markt)
jdbc-pool |
Fix a handful of Eclipse warnings in the JDBC pool source code including
the warnings reported in 53565. (markt)
54150: Make sure that SlowQueryReportJmx mbean deregistered
during webapp shutdown. Reported by Alex Franken. (kfujino)
54194: Make sure that connection pool mbean is not registered
when jmxEnabled is false. Patch provided by tobias.gierke. (kfujino)
Other |
Update to Eclipse JDT Compiler 4.2.1. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.33 (markt) | 2012-11-21 |
Catalina |
53960, 54115: Extensions to HttpClient test
helper class. Patches by Brian Burch. (markt/kkolinko)
53993: Avoid a possible NPE in the AccessLogValve when the
session ID is logged and a session is invalidated. (markt)
Add support for LAST_ACCESS_AT_START system property to
PersistentManager. (kfujino)
Update MIME type mapping with additional / updated mime.types from the
Apache web server. (markt)
54007: Fix a memory leak that prevented deletion of a
context.xml file associated with a Context that had failed to deploy.
Also fix the problems uncovered with undeploying such a Context once the
leak had been fixed and the file could be deleted. (markt)
54044: Correct bug in timestamp cache used by logging
(including the access log valve) that meant entries could be made with
an earlier timestamp than the true timestamp. (markt)
54054: Do not share shell environment variables between
multiple instances of the CGI servlet. (markt)
54060: Use a simple parser rather than a regular expression
to parse HTTP Digest authentication headers so the header is correctly
parsed. The new approach is also faster and generates less garbage.
54068: Rewrite the web fragment ordering algorithm to resolve
multiple issues that resulted in incorrect ordering or failure to find
a correct, valid order. (markt)
The HTTP header parser added to address 52811 has been
removed and replaced with the light-weight HTTP header parser created to
address 54060. The new parser includes a work-around for a
bug in the Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.x plug-in for Microsoft Internet
Explorer that was identified when the old parser was introduced
54076: Add an alternative work-around for clients that use
SPNEGO authentication and expect the authenticated user to be cached
per connection (Tomcat only does this if an HTTP session is available).
54087: Correctly handle (ignore) invalid If-Modified-Since
header rather than throwing an exception. (markt)
54096: In web.xml, <env-entry> should accept any type
that has a constructor that takes a single String or char. (markt)
54127: Add support for sending a WebSocket Ping. Patch
provided by Sean Winterberger. (markt)
In FormAuthenticator: If it is configured to change Session IDs,
do the change before displaying the login form. (kkolinko)
Ensure AsyncListener.timeout() and
AsyncListener.complete() are called with the correct
thread context class loader. (fhanik)
54123: If an asynchronous request times out without any
AsyncListener s defined, a 500 error will be triggered.
54124: Correct provided value of request attribute
javax.servlet.async.request_uri and add missing request
attribute javax.servlet.async.path_info . (markt)
Add denyStatus initialization parameter to
CsrfPreventionFilter , allowing to customize the HTTP
status code used for denied requests. (kkolinko)
54141: Increase the permitted number of nested Realm levels
from 2 to 3 by default and make the limit configurable via a system
property. (markt)
Revert occasional API change in BaseDirContext class that
was done in 7.0.32. Methods should not be final . (kkolinko)
Prevent failures in the AccessLogValve when running under a
SecurityManager and the first request received is an asynchronous one.
Coyote |
Correct an issue that prevented WebSockets from being used over SSL when
using the HTTP NIO connector. (markt)
54022: Ensure the Comet END event is triggered on client
disconnect with APR/native on Windows Vista/2k8 or later. Patch provided
by Douglas Beachy. (markt)
54067: Ensure responses with 1xx response codes are correctly
marked as not containing an entity body. This caused an issue for some
WebSocket clients when an Transfer-Encoding header was sent with the
101 (HTTP upgrade) response. (markt)
Jasper |
53867: Optimise the XML escaping provided by the PageContext
implementation. Based on a patch by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
53896: Use an optimised CompositeELResolver for Jasper that
skips resolvers that are known to be unable to resolve the value. Patch
by Jarek Gawor. (markt)
53986: Correct a regression introduced by the fix for
53713. JSP comments that ended with the sequence ---%> (or
any similar sequence with a odd number of - characters) was not
correctly parsed. (markt)
54011: Fix a bug in the tag plug-in for
<c:out> that triggered a JSP compilation error if the
escapeXml attribute was used. Patch provided by Sheldon
Shao. (markt)
Follow up to 54011. Simplify generated code for
<c:out> . Based on a patch by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
54012: Fix a bug in the tag plug-in infrastructure that meant
the <c:set> triggered a JSP compilation error when
used in a tag file. Based on a patch provided by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
54017: Simplify coercion of String instances to
Object . (markt)
54144: Fix a bug in the tag plug-in for
<c:out> that meant that if the value of the tag
evaluated to a object then it was not
correctly handled. (markt)
Cluster |
Add getSessionIdsFull operation to mbeans-descriptor. listSessionIdsFull
no longer exist. (kfujino)
54086: Fix threading issue when stopping an
NioReceiver . (markt)
Web applications |
54143: Add display of the memory pools usage (including
PermGen) to the Status page of the Manager web application. (kkolinko)
Tribes |
54045: Make sure getMembers() returns available member when
TcpFailureDetector works in static cluster. (kfujino)
Tomcat 7.0.32 (markt) | 2012-10-09 |
Catalina |
Revert multiple operation support for the JMXProxyServlet
pending further discussion. (schultz)
CVE-2012-4431: Fix bypass of CsrfPreventionFilter when
there is no session. Improve session management in the filter.
Web applications |
Correct the couple of broken links in the Tomcat Javadoc. (markt)
Other |
Update optional Checkstyle library to 5.6. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.31 (markt) | not released |
Catalina |
Add one library from JDK 7 to the value of jarsToSkip
property in the file. (kkolinko)
52777: Add an option to automatically remove old, unused
versions (ones where there are no longer any active sessions) of
applications deployed using parallel deployment. (markt)
53828: Use correct status code when closing a WebSocket
connection normally in response to a close frame from a client. (markt)
JMXProxyServlet now allows multiple operation commands like
invokeAndSet , invokeAndGet ,
etc. (schultz) Note: reverted in 7.0.32.
53843: request.isAsyncStarted() must continue to
return true until the dispatch actually happens (which at the earliest
isn't until the thread where startAsync() was called
returns to the container). (markt)
53863: Ensure the the implicit servlets (JSP and default) are
marked as override-able when using embedded mode. (markt)
When the DefaultServlet is under heavy load, the HTTP
header parser added to address 52811 generates large amounts
of garbage and uses significant CPU time. A cache has been added that
significantly reduces the overhead of this parser. (markt)
53854: Make directory listings work correctly when aliases
are used. (markt)
Jasper |
53713: Performance improvement of up to four times faster
parsing of JSP pages. Patch provided by Sheldon Shao. (markt)
Cluster |
Make the cluster members and the cluster deployer associated with the
cluster accessible via JMX. (markt)
Fix a behavior of TcpPingInterceptor#useThread. If set to false, ping
thread is never started. (kfujino)
Web applications |
Improve the documentation web application to clarify the difference
between the tag and version parameters when using text interface of the
Manager web application. (markt)
Make sessions saved in the Store associated with a
Manager that extends PersistentManager
optionally visible (via the showProxySessions Servlet initialisation
parameter in web.xml) to the Manager web application. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.30 (markt) | released 2012-09-06 |
Catalina |
Automatically delete temporary files used by Servlet 3.0 file
upload (for parts which size is greater than
file-size-threshold option in web.xml)
when request processing completes. (kkolinko)
53071: This additional fix for this issue improves the
formatting of Jasper errors (or any exceptions that use a multi-line
message) with the ErrorReportValve . (markt)
53469: If a URL passed to
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.encodeURL() cannot
be made absolute, never encode it and return it unchanged. Previously,
the fix for 53062 meant than an
IllegalArgumentException was thrown. (markt)
53481: Added support for SSLHonorCipherOrder to allow
the server to impose its cipher order on the client. Based on a patch
provided by Marcel Šebek. This feature requires
Tomcat Native 1.1.25 or later. (schultz)
53498: Fix atomicity bugs in use of concurrent collections.
Based on a patch by Yu Lin. (markt)
Correct a regression in the previous fix for 53062 that did
not always correctly normalize redirect URLs when the redirect URL
included a query string or fragment component. (markt)
Add missing getter and setter for roleSearchAsUser option
on JNDI Realm. (markt)
Add some HTTP status codes registered at IANA. (rjung)
53531: Fix ExpandWar.expand to check the return value of
File.mkdir and File.mkdirs. (schultz)
53535: Reduce memory footprint when performing class scanning
on Context start. Patch provided by Cedomir Igaly. (markt)
53541: Fix JAR scanning when WEB-INF/lib is provided via
VirtualDirContext. Patch provided by Philip Zuev. (markt)
53574: Ensure Servlets defined using jsp-file are available
when metadata-complete is true. (markt)
53584: Ignore path parameters when comparing URIs for FORM
authentication. This prevents users being prompted twice for passwords
when logging in when session IDs are being encoded as path parameters.
53623: When performing a asynchronous dispatch after series
of forwards, ensure that the request properties are correct for the
request at each stage. (markt)
53624: Ensure that
HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect() works when called after
a dispatch from an AsyncContext . (markt)
53641: Correct name of HTTP header used in WebSocket
handshake for listing the preferred protocols. (markt)
Document the constants that were added to the
RequestDispatcher interface in Servlet 3.0. (kkolinko)
Ensure custom error pages are not truncated if the page that triggered
the error set a content length header. (markt)
53677: Ensure that a 500 response rather than no response is
returned if the HTTP headers exceed the size limit. (markt)
53702: When merging web.xml fragments, allow for
<jsp-property-group> elements having multiple
<url-pattern> elements. (markt)
Always make the resulting web.xml available even if metadata-complete is
true. (markt)
53714: Provide separate system properties to control which
JARs are excluded from which scans when using the JarScanner. This
allows JARs to be excluded from all scans or only from TLD scanning
and/or Servlet 3.0 pluggability scanning. (markt)
Add several JDK libraries to the value of jarsToSkip
property in the file. (markt, kkolinko)
Fix typos etc. in the code that logs merged web.xml (as enabled by
logEffectiveWebXml option on Context). (kkolinko)
53758: When adding filters via
FilterRegistration.Dynamic the filters were added at the
wrong point because the isMatchAfter logic was inverted.
53783: Correctly handle JARs generated by tools that do not
create specific entries for directories. Patch provided by Violeta
Georgieva. (markt)
Improvements to DIGEST authenticator including the disabling caching of
authenticated user in session by default, tracking server rather than
client nonces and better handling of stale nonce values. (markt)
Improve performance of DIGEST authenticator for concurrent requests.
CVE-2012-3546: Fix bypass of security constraint checks with FORM
authentication. Remove unneeded processing in RealmBase .
53800: FileDirContext.list() did not provide
correct paths for subdirectories. Patch provided by Kevin Wooten.
53801: Overlapping URL patterns were sometimes merged
incorrectly in security constraints leading to incorrect 401 responses.
Note: it was possible for access to be denied when it should have been
granted but it was not possible for access to be granted when it should
have been denied. (markt)
Coyote |
Remove the socket.soTrafficClass from the BIO and NIO
HTTP and AJP connectors because any use of the option is either ignored
or in some cases (Java 7 with NIO) throws an Exception. (mark)
Prevent possible NPE when processing Comet requests during Connector
shutdown. (markt)
42181: Better handling of edge conditions in chunk header
processing. (kkolinko)
53697: Correct a regression in the fix for 51881
that mean that in some circumstances the comet flag was not
reset on HttpAprProcessor instances. This caused problems
when the Processor was re-used for a new connection that would trigger a
NullPointerException and could result in a JVM crash.
53725: Fix possible corruption of GZIP'd output.
Better parsing of line-terminators for requests using chunked encoding.
Further improvements to handling of Comet END events when the connector
is stopped. (markt)
Jasper |
53545: Ensure buffered data is cleared when using a
jsp:forward action inside a classic custom tag. (markt)
53654: Support file:// URLs for JSP
dependencies. Patch provided by Viola Lu. (markt)
53792: Support MethodExpression s that include a
method invocation that is not at the end of the expression. (markt)
Cluster |
Fix an issue when running under Java 7 which throws exceptions when
trying to set an invalid option whereas Java 6 silently swallowed them.
The option using the problem was soTrafficClass .
Investigations showed that this option had no effect for Cluster Channel
Receivers so it was removed. (markt)
53513: Fix race condition between the processing of session
sync message and transfer complete message. (kfujino)
Web applications |
Update JSTL version information in the JNDI section of the documentation
web application. (markt)
53524: Correct a typo in the cluster how-to section of the
documentation web application. Also fix a handful of spelling errors.
53601: Clarify in documentation that building Apache Tomcat 7
from sources requires a Java 6 JDK. (kkolinko)
53653: Allow for wrapped source code example in
config/context.html. Patch provided by Terence Bandoian. (schultz)
53793: Change links on the list of applications in the
Manager to point to '/appname/' instead of '/appname'. (kkolinko)
Tribes |
Avoid potential NPE identified by Find Bugs in . (markt)
53606: Fix potential NPE in TcpPingInterceptor .
Based on a patch by F. Arnoud. (markt)
53607: To avoid NPE, set TCP PING data to ChannelMessage.
Patch provided by F.Arnoud (kfujino)
Other |
53701: Javadoc fixes. Patch provided by sebb. (markt)
Remove some unused code from Tomcat's package renamed, cut-down
copy of Commons BCEL used for annotation scanning. (markt)
53735: Add support for Java 7 byte code to Tomcat's
package renamed, cut-down copy of Commons BCEL used for annotation
scanning. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.29 (markt) | released 2012-07-08 |
Catalina |
Add support for searching for roles in JNDI/LDAP
using another value than the actual DN or username specified.
Rather it will use a value from the users directory entry.
The new attribute introduced to the JNDIRealm is userRoleAttribute
Fix checking of recommended tcnative library version when using the APR
connector. (rjung)
50306: Improve StuckThreadDetectionValve: add
stuckThreadNames property as a pair for the stuckThreadIds one,
add thread ids to the log messages. (kkolinko)
52135: Add support for a default error page to be defined in
web.xml by defining an error page with just a nested location element.
It appears this feature was intended to be included in the Servlet 3.0
specification but was accidently left out. (markt)
53450: Correct regression in fix for 52999 that
could easily trigger a deadlock when deploying a ROOT web application.
As per section 1.6.2 of the Servlet 3.0 specification and clarification
from the Servlet Expert Group, the servlet specification version
declared in web.xml no longer controls if Tomcat scans for annotations.
Annotation scanning is now always performed - regardless of the version
declared in web.xml - unless metadata complete is set to true. (markt)
53619: As per clarification from the Servlet Expert Group,
JARs will always be scanned for ServletContainerInitializers regardless
of the setting of metadata complete. However, if an absolute ordering is
specified and a JAR is excluded from that ordering it will not be
scanned for ServletContainerInitializers nor will it be scanned for
matches to any HandleTypes annotations. (markt)
53465: Populate mapped-name property for resources defined in
web.xml. Based on a patch by Violeta Georgieva. (markt)
Make the request available when establishing a WebSocket connection.
53467: Correct a regression in the fix for 53257
that introduced problems for JSPs that used characters that must be
encoded if used in a URI. (markt)
Coyote |
53430: Avoid a JVM crash when a connector that requires the
APR/native library is explicitly specified and the library, or a recent
enough version of it, is not available. (markt)
Jasper |
53421: Provide a more helpful error message if a getter or
setter cannot be found for a bean property when using expression
language. (markt)
53460: Allow container to handle errors if the creation of the
PageContext fails rather than swallowing the error. (markt)
Web applications |
Update the WebSocket examples in the examples web application so that
they work with secure connections (wss) as well as non-secure (ws)
connections. (markt)
53456: Minor corrections and improvements to the HTTP
connector configuration reference. Patch provided by sebb. (markt)
53459: Correction and clarifications to the SSL Connector
configuration examples in the SSL how-to. (markt)
53464: Correct reference to sample init.d script for use with
jsvc in the documentation web application. (markt)
53473: Correct the allowed values for the SSI option
isVirtualWebappRelative which are true or
false . (markt)
Document roleNested property of JNDIRealm
in Configuration Reference. (kkolinko)
Other |
Fix cleanup of temporary files in TestNamingContext test.
Remove a few files from the source distribution that are not required
since they are copied / generated during the build. (markt)
Add manifest files to the set of files for which the line-ending is
changed to match the OS defaults in the source distributions. (markt)
Align Jk Ant tasks definitions between antlib.xml and catalina.tasks
files, introducing jkupdate as synonym for
jkstatus . The latter one is deprecated.
Simplify bin/catalina-tasks.xml , replacing
taskdef with typedef and adding Ant condition
implementations used with JMX to jmxaccessor.tasks file.
53454: Return correct content-length header for HEAD requests
when content length is greater than 2GB. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.28 (markt) | released 2012-06-19 |
Catalina |
52055: An additional fix to ensure that the
ChunkedInputFilter is correctly recycled. (markt)
52954: Make DIGEST authentication tolerant of clients (mainly
older Android implementations) that do not follow RFC 2617 exactly.
52955: Implement custom thread factory for container
start-stop thread pool. It allows to use daemon threads and give
them more distinct names. (kfujino)
52999: Remove synchronization bottleneck from the firing of
Container events. (markt)
53008: Additional test cases for BASIC authentication and
RFC2617 compliance. Patch provided by Brian Burch. (markt)
53021: Correct WebSocket protocol version detection. (pero)
Add new attributes of allow and deny to
UserConfig. (kfujino)
53024: Fix context reloading so requests received during the
reload are paused and processed when reloading completes rather than
receiving 404 responses. (markt)
Improve the handling of watched resources so that changes trigger a
reload rather than a stop followed by a start which allows requests
received to be paused and processed when reloading completes rather than
receiving 404 responses. (markt)
Remove potential bottleneck on creation of new WebSocket connections.
53047: If a JDBC Realm or DataSource Realm is configured for
an all roles mode that only requires authorization (and no roles) and no
role table or column is defined, don't populate the Principal's roles.
53056: Add APR version number to tcnative version INFO log
message. (schultz)
53057: Add OpenSSL version number INFO log message when
initializing. (schultz)
Save a bit of memory in annotations cache in
DefaultInstanceManager by trimming annotation lists
to their size. (kkolinko)
Correctly configure the parser used to process server.xml so that
external entities may be used to include the content of external files
into server.xml. (markt)
Make sure ContextMBean#findFilterDefs returns correct filter
definitions. (kfujino)
Ensure that maxParameterCount applies to multi-part
requests handled via the Servlet 3 file upload API. (markt)
53062: When constructing absolute URLs for redirects from
relative URLs ensure that the resulting URLs are normalized. (markt)
53067: Ensure the WebSocket Servlet continues to work when
requests are wrapped. (markt)
Enable host's xmlBase attribute in ContextConfig. (kfujino)
53071: Use the message from the throwable (if there is one)
when generating the report in the ErrorReportValve and no
message has been specified via sendError() . (markt)
53074: Switch to an infinite socket timeout by default for
WebSocket connections. (markt)
53081: Do not always cache resources loaded by the web
application class loader since they may be very large which in turn
could trigger a memory leak. Calls to the web application class
loader's getResourceAsStream() method will now access
the resource directly rather than via the cache in most cases. (markt)
53090: Include superclasses when considering injection
targets. Patch provided by Borislav Kapukaranov. (markt)
53161: Provide a better error message if a
ClassFormatException occurs during annotation scanning and
do not prevent the web application from starting in this case. (markt)
53180: Improve check for setter method when processing
annotations. Patch provided by Violeta Georgieva. (markt)
53225: Fix an IllegalStateException due to the JAR file being
closed when accessing static resources in a JAR file when
urlCacheProtection="false" in the
JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener . (markt)
53230: Changed ManagerBase to throw
TooManyActiveSessionsException instead of IllegalStateException
when the maximum number of sessions has been exceeded and a new
session will not be created. (schultz)
53257: Ensure that resources, including JSP files, that have
names that include characters with special meanings in URLs (such as
ampersand, semicolon, plus, hash and percent) are correctly handled.
This bug is partially a regression caused by the original fix for
51584 and partially an existing issue that had not previously
been identified. This fix reverts the original fix for 51584,
correctly fixes that issue and fixes the additional issues identified by
the test cases that were also added as part of this fix.
53266: If a class specified in a @HandlesTypes
annotation on a ServletContainerInitializer is missing
log a more helpful message and do not prevent the web application from
starting. (markt)
53267: Ensure that using the GC Daemon Protection feature of
the JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener does not trigger a
full GC every hour. (markt)
53285: Do not require security-role-ref elements
to contain a role-link element. (markt)
53301: Prevent double initialization of pre-created Servlet
instances when used in embedded mode. (markt)
53322: When processing resource injection, correctly infer
property name from its setter method if the name starts with several
uppercase characters. (kkolinko)
53333: When processing JNDI resources, take account of the
types of any specified injection targets to ensure that the resource
definition and the injection target types are consistent. Based on a
patch provided by Violeta Georgieva. (markt)
53337: Forwarding via a RequestDispatcher to an
asynchronous Servlet always failed. Includes a test case based on code
by Rossen Stoyanchev. (markt)
53339: Ensure WebSocket call backs (onOpen etc.)
are called using the web application's class loader. (markt)
53342: To avoid BindException, make startStopThreads into a
demon thread. (kfujino)
53353: Make the internal HTTP header parser more tolerant of
Content-Type values that contain invalid parameters by ignoring the
invalid parameters. It is a followup to bug 52811. (markt)
53354: Correctly handle @WebFilter annotations
that do not include a mapping. (markt)
53356: Add support for servlets mapped explicitly to the
context root of a web application. (markt)
53366: Ensure new HTTP header parser works correctly when
running Tomcat under a security manager. (markt/kkolinko)
53368: Configure the default security policy to allow web
applications to use WebSocket when running under a security manager.
53373: Allow whitespace around delimiters in <Context>
aliases for readability. (schultz)
Coyote |
52858, CVE-2012-4534: Correct fix for high CPU load.
53138: Broken Sendfile on SSL introduced in 7.0.27
52055: Additional fix required to ensure that
InputFilter s are recycled between requests. (markt)
53061: Fix a problem in the NIO connector whereby if the
poller was under low but consistent load (>1 request/per second and
always less than 1 second between requests) timeouts never took place.
53063: When using an Executor with BIO, use the
executor's maxThreads as the default for maxConnections. (markt)
53119: Prevent buffer overflow errors being reported when a
client disconnects before the response has been fully written from an
AJP connection using the APR/native connector. (markt)
53169: Allow developers to avoid chunked encoding for a
response of unknown length by setting the Connection: close
header. Based on a patch suggested by Philippe Marschall. (markt)
53173: Properly count down maxConnections (fhanik)
Update default value of pollerThreadCount for the NIO connector.
The new default value will never go above 2 regardless of
available processors. (fhanik)
Allow to retrieve the current connectionCount
via getter from the endpoint and as JMX attribute of the ThreadPool
mbean. (rjung)
Correct an edge case where Comet END events were not send to connected
clients when the Tomcat connector was stopped. (markt)
53406: Fix possible stack overflow on connection close when
using Comet. (fhanik)
Improve InternalNioInputBuffer.parseHeaders() . (kkolinko)
Implement maxHeaderCount attribute on Connector.
It is equivalent of LimitRequestFields directive of
Apache HTTPD.
Default value is 100. (kkolinko)
Jasper |
48097#c7, 53366#c1: If JSP page unexpectedly
fails to initialize PageContext instance, write exception to the logs
instead of silent swallowing. (kkolinko)
53032: Modify JspC so it extends enabling it to work with features
such as namespaces within build.xml files. (markt)
Cluster |
Avoid NPE when reload if a state of a BackupManager is FAILED. (kfujino)
53087: In order to avoid that a backup node expire a session,
replicate session access time in BackupManager. (kfujino)
Add support for SecureRandom to cluster manager template. (kfujino)
Web applications |
Remove obsolete bug warning from Windows service
documentation page. (rjung)
50182: Various improvements to the Compression Filter. Patch
provided by David Becker. (markt)
52853: Clarify how Jar Scanner handles directories. (markt)
53158: Fix documented defaults for DBCP.
Patch provided by ph.dezanneau at (rjung)
53203: Correct documentation for the default value
of connectionTimeout attribute for AJP protocol
connectors. (kkolinko)
53289: Clarify ResourceLink example that
uses DataSource.getConnection(username, password) method. Not all
data source implementations support it. (kkolinko)
Fix several HTML markup errors in servlets of examples web application.
53398: Correct spelling of "received" in the
Manager application's XML output. (markt)
53403: Update a reference to the Servlet specification in the
first web applciation section of the documentation web application to
include newer versions of the specificarion. (markt)
jdbc-pool |
50864 (r1311844):
JMX enable most pool properties (fhanik)
53254 (r1340160):
Add in the ability to purge connections from the pool (fhanik)
53367 (r1346691):
Prevent pool from hanging during database failure (fhanik)
When a connection is reconnected due to failed validation
make sure the ConnectionState is reset or it will assume
incorrect values (fhanik)
53374 (r1348056):
Add support for the following properties in DataSourceFactory:
commitOnReturn , rollbackOnReturn ,
useDisposableConnectionFacade ,
logValidationErrors and
propagateInterruptState .
Based on patch proposed by Suresh Avadhanula. (kkolinko)
Other |
Update to Eclipse JDT Compiler 3.7.2 at maven tomcat-jasper.pom. (pero)
Update the native component of the Tomcat APR/native connector to
1.1.24. (markt)
Add missing dependencies in pom files. (markt)
53034: Add project.url and
project.licenses sections to the POMs for the Maven
artifacts. (markt)
Properly mention jsp_2_2.xsd in the main LICENSE and
INSTALLLICENSE files. (kkolinko)
53115: Fix using the command "catalina.bat run "
when the value of %TEMP% contains spaces. (kkolinko)
Add dependencies and description to "validate" target in
build.xml , so that it could be run separately.
Improve BUILDING.txt and RUNNING.txt .
Tomcat 7.0.27 (markt) | released 2012-04-05 |
Catalina |
Explicitly ignore empty path values in virtualClasspath
attribute of VirtualWebappLoader class. Document that
whitespace around the values is trimmed. Reformat documentation
examples to make them more readable. (kkolinko)
Further improve fix for 51197 to allow an error reporting
Valve to write a response body if sendError() is called
during an asynchronous request on a container thread. (markt)
Correct fix for 51741 (r1307600):
If VirtualDirContext class is configured with non-empty
value of extraResourcePaths option (a feature added
in 7.0.24), do not implicitly set allowLinking option to
the value of true . If it is really needed, it should be
set explicitly. (kkolinko)
52500: Added configurable mechanism to retrieve user names
from X509 client certificates. Based on a patch provided by
Michael Furman. (schultz)
52719: Fix a theoretical resource leak in the JAR validation
that checks for non-permitted classes in web application JARs. (markt)
Code clean-up identified by 52723, 52724,
52726, 52727, 52729, 52731
and 52732. (markt)
52792: Improve error message when a JNDI resource can not be
found. (markt)
52811: Fix parsing of Content-Type header in
HttpServletResponse.setContentType() . Introduces
a new HTTP header parser that follows RFC2616. (markt/kkolinko)
52830: Correct JNDI lookups when using
javax.naming.Name to identify the resource rather than a
java.lang.String . (markt)
52833: Handle the case where the parent class loader for the
Catalina object does not have the system class loader in its hierarchy.
This may happen when embedding. Patch provided by olamy. (markt)
52839: Add a unit test for DigestAuthenticator and
SingleSignOn. Patch provide by Brian Burch. (markt)
52846: Make sure NonLoginAuthenticator registers not
MemoryUser but GenericPrincipal into a session when UserDatabaseRealm
is used. (kfujino)
52850: Extend memory leak prevention and detection code to
work with IBM as well as Oracle JVMs. Extend unit tests to check direct
and indirect ThreadLocal memory leak detection. Based on a patch
provided by Rohit Kelapure. (markt)
Add support for the WebSocket protocol (RFC6455). Both streaming and
message based APIs are provided and the implementation currently fully
passes the Autobahn test suite. Also included are several examples.
A significant contribution to this new functionality was provided by
Johno Crawford — particularly the examples. Contributions were
also provided by Petr Praus, Jonathan Drake & Slávka. (markt)
When stopping a Context, ensure that any Servlets registered with JMX
are unregistered. (markt)
Make the implementation of Catalina.getParentClassLoader
consistent with similar methods across the code base and have it return
the system class loader if no parent class loader is set. (markt)
52953: Ensure users can authenticate when using DIGEST
authentication with digested passwords if the digested password is
stored using upper case hexadecimal characters since DIGEST
authentication expects digests to use lower case characters. Based on a
patch provided by Neale Rudd. (markt)
52957: Ensure that a Valve implements Lifecycle before
calling any Lifecycle methods on that Valve. (markt)
52958: Fix MBean descriptors for
org.apache.catalina.realm package. (markt)
52974: Fix NameNotFoundException when
field/method is annotated with @Resource annotation. Patch
provided by Violet Agg. (markt)
Add support for multi-thread deployment in UserConfig. (kfujino)
Coyote |
Correctly register NIO sockets with poller after processing Comet events
to ensure that no read events are missed. This fixes an intermittent
issue observed in the unit tests. (fhanik/markt)
52770: Fix a bug in the highly unlikely circumstance that
an infinite timeout was specified for writing data to a client when
using NIO. (markt)
52858: Fix high CPU load with SSL, NIO and sendfile when
client breaks the connection before reading all the requested data.
52926: Avoid NPE when an NIO Comet connection times out on
one thread at the same time as it is closed on another thread. (markt)
Include port number when known in connector name when logging messages
from connectors that use automatic free port allocation. (markt)
Don't try an unlock the acceptor thread if it is not locked. This is
unlikely to impact normal usage but it does fix some unit test issues.
When using the APR connector ensure that any connections in a keep-alive
state are closed when the connector is stopped rather than when the
connector is destroyed. This is important when stop() followed by
start() is called on the connector. (markt)
Jasper |
52725: Use configurable package name for tags rather than
hard-coded value so configuration actually works. (markt)
52758: Implement additional interface methods in Eclipse JDT
integration required for Jasper to correctly with the latest Eclipse
development code. (markt)
52772: Ensure uriRoot is fully validated before it is used.
Patch based on a suggestion by Eugene Chung. (markt)
52776: Refactor the code so JspFragment.invoke cleans up
after itself. Patch provided by Karl von Randow. (markt)
52970: Take account of coercion rules when invoking methods
via EL. (markt)
52998: Partial fix. Remove static references to the EL
expression factory and use per web application references instead.
52998: Remainder of fix. Cache the class to use for the EL
expression factory per class loader. (kkolinko)
53001: Revert the fix for 46915 since the use case
described in the bug is invalid since it breaks the EL specification.
Cluster |
Replicate principal in ClusterSingleSignOn. (kfujino)
Web applications |
52760: Fix expires filter mime type in javascript examples.
52842: Exception in MBeanDumper when dumping MBean for
StandardThreadExecutor. (rjung)
Bring built-in mime types for embedded Tomcat more in line with the
ones defined in the default web.xml configuration file. (rjung)
Add support to the JMXProxyServlet which is part of the Manager
application for fetching a specific key from a
CompositeData value. Updated documentation, so that
the entire 'get' command for the JMX proxy servlet is documented,
including the new optional 'key' parameter. (schultz/markt)
jdbc-pool |
Pool cleaner thread should be created using the classloader
that loaded the pool, not the context loader (fhanik)
52804: Make pool properties serializable and cloneable.
51237 (r1302902):
Slow Query Report should log using WARN level when queries are slow
and within the threshold of caching it. (fhanik)
52002 (r1302948):
Add in configuration option to disallow connection reuse.
useDisposableConnectionFacade is by default enabled (fhanik)
52493 (r1302969):
Java 7 DataSource method addition. (fhanik)
51893 (r1302990):
Throw an error and notification when pool is exhausted. (fhanik)
50860 (r1303031):
Add in option to configure logging for validation errors. (fhanik)
52066 (r1305931):
Add in configuration option, progagateInterruptState, to allow threads to
retain the interrupt state. (fhanik)
Other |
52750: Fix the way how parses command options so
that more then one can be provided. (mturk)
Rearrange validate-eoln target in build.xml
so that it could be run ahead of compilation. (kkolinko)
Update Apache Commons Daemon to 1.0.10. (mturk)
Update the native component of the Tomcat APR/native connector to
1.1.23 and take advantage of the simplified distribution. (mturk)
Update to Eclipse JDT Compiler 3.7.2. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.26 (markt) | released 2012-02-21 |
Catalina |
Provide constants for commonly used Charset objects and use
these constants where appropriate. (markt)
Refactor the fix for 52184 to correct two issues (a missing
class and incorrect class/method names) when using the extras logging
packages. (markt)
52444: Only load classes during HandlesTypes processing if
the class is a match. Previously, every class in the web application was
loaded regardless of whether it was a match or not. (markt)
52488: Correct typo: exipre -> expire. (markt)
Add a unit test for SSO authentication. Patch provided by Brian Burch.
52511: Correct regression in the fix for 51741
that caused a harmless exception to be logged when scanning for
annotations and WEB-INF/classes did not exist. (markt)
Refactor to remove a circular dependency between
org.apache.catalina and org.apache.naming .
Remove some initialisation code from the standard start process (i.e.
via the scripts) that was intended for embedding but is not required
when performing a standard start.(markt)
Add new method to MBeanFactory that allows any Valve to be
created and deprecate the methods to create specific Valves. (markt)
Partial sync of MIME type mapping with mime.types from the Apache web
server. (rjung)
52577: Fix a regression in the fix for 52328.
Prevent output truncation when reset() is called on a
response. (mark)
52586: Remove an old and now unnecessary hack that modified
the path info reported via the
javax.servlet.forward.path_info request attribute when
forwarding to an error page. (markt)
52587: Ensure that if it is necessary to fall back to the
default NullRealm, the NullRealm instance is created early enough for it
to be correctly initialised. (markt)
Fix millisecond output in AccessLogValve when using a
SimpleDateFormat based time pattern. (rjung)
52591: When dumping MBean data, skip attributes where getters
throw UnsupportedOperationException . (markt)
52607: Ensure that the extension validator checks the JARs in
the shared and common class loaders for extensions. (markt)
Correct a threading issue in the generation of the list of standard
authenticators during Context initialization that could lead to a web
application failing to start if Contexts were started in parallel.
52669: Correct regression that broke annotation processing in
/WEB-INF/classes for web applications deployed as WARs,
packageless classes and some embedding scenarios. The regression was
introduced by the invalid assumptions made in the fix for
51741. (markt)
52671: When dumping MBean data, skip attributes where getters
throw NullPointerException . (markt)
Coyote |
51543: Provide a meaningful error message when writing more
response headers than permitted. (markt)
52547: Ensure that bytes written (which is used by the access
log) is correctly reset after an HTTP 1.0 request has been processed.
Minor refactoring to reduce code duplication in the HTTP connectors.
52606: Ensure that POST bodies are available for reply after
FORM authentication when using the AJP connectors. (markt)
Jasper |
52474: Ensure that leading and trailing white space is
removed from listener class names when parsing TLD files. (markt)
52480: When converting class path entries from URLs to
files/directories, ensure that any URL encoded characters are converted.
Fixes JSP compilation with javac when Tomcat is installed at a path that
includes spaces. (markt)
52666: Correct coercion order in EL when processing the
equality and inequality operators. (markt)
Web applications |
Improve BUILDING.txt . Update instructions for
building. Add instructions for using Checkstyle and running the
tests. (kkolinko)
38216: Improve handling of null return values in
the JMX proxy servlet which is part of the Manager application.
52515: Make it clear in the Realm how-to in the documentation
web application that digested password storage when using DIGEST
authentication requires that MD5 digests are used. (markt)
52634: Fix typos in JSP examples. Patch provided by
Felix Schumacher. (rjung)
52641: Remove mentioning of ldap.jar from docs.
Patch provided by Felix Schumacher. (rjung)
jdbc-pool |
Fix code style issues and enable Checkstyle checks for jdbc-pool when
it is built within Tomcat. (kkolinko)
51582 Correct set and reset the query cache to avoid NPE (fhanik)
Other |
Update Commons Daemon to 1.0.9 to resolve 52548 which meant
that services created with service.bat did not set the
catalina.home and catalina.base system
properties. (markt)
Implement check for correct end-of-line characters in the source
files. It is run as separate target in build.xml .
Tomcat 7.0.25 (markt) | released 2012-01-21 |
Web applications |
Restore format of the first line of error message for JMX proxy
servlet in case scripts were depending on it. (markt)
Other |
When building a Windows installer do not copy whole "res" folder to
output/dist, but only the files that we need. Apply fixcrlf filter
only after the files are copied, so that INSTALLLICENSE
file had correct line ends. (kkolinko)
Remove res/License.rtf . The file that is actually shown
by the Windows installer is res/INSTALLLICENSE .
Automate the OpenPGP signature generation for the release process.
Don't exclude directories named target from the build process.
Tomcat 7.0.24 (markt) | not released |
Catalina |
52184: Provide greater control over the logging of errors
triggered by invalid input data (i.e. data over which Tomcat has no
control). (markt/kkolinko)
52225: Fix ClassCastException in an Alias added to
existing host through JMX. (kkolinko)
Do not throw IllegalArgumentException from parseParameters() call
when chunked POST request is too large, but treat it like an IO error.
The FailedRequestFilter filter can be used to detect this
condition. (kkolinko)
52245: Don't allow web applications to package classes from
the javax.el package. Patch provided by pid. (markt)
52259: Fix regression caused by the addition of the threaded
component start (46264) that triggered a deadlock on startup
if no Realm was configured. (markt)
52293: Correctly handle the case when
antiResourceLocking is enabled at the Context level when
unpackWARs is disabled at the Host level. Based on a patch
by Justin Miller. (markt)
In ExtendedAccessLogValve when printing %-encoded value of
a parameter, use UTF-8 encoding to convert parameter value to bytes
instead of platform default encoding. (markt/kkolinko)
52303: Allow web applications that do not have a login
configuration to participate in a SSO session. Patch provided by Brian
Burch. (markt)
52316: When using sendfile, use the number of bytes requested
to be written to the response in the access log valve for bytes written
rather than recording a value of zero. (markt)
52326: Reduce log level for class loading errors during
@HandlesTypes processing to debug. (markt)
52328: Improve performance when large numbers of single
characters and/or small strings are written to the response via a
Writer. (markt)
52384: Do not fail with parameter parsing when debug logging
is enabled. (kkolinko)
Do not flag extra '&' characters in parameters as parse errors.
Reduce log level for the message about hitting
maxParameterCount limit from WARN to INFO. (kkolinko)
52387: Ensure that the correct host is used when configuring
logging when Tomcat is embedded. Patch provided by David Calavera.
52405: Align the Servlet 3.0 implementation with the changes
defined in the first maintenance release (also know as Rev. A). See the
JCP documentation for a detailed list of changes. (markt)
Improve JMX names for objects related to Connectors that have the
address attribute set. (markt)
Remove some stale attributes from MBeans. (rjung)
Move destruction of ContainerBase objects to
ContainerBase to ensure that they are destroyed. (markt)
52443: Change the behaviour of the default Realm in the
embedded use case so it is set once on the Engine rather than on every
Context thereby avoiding the Lifecycle issues with having the same Realm
set on multiple Contexts. (markt)
Provide a new Realm implementation, the NullRealm, that does not contain
any users and is used as the default Realm implementation (rather than
the JAAS Realm which was used prior to this change) if no Realm is
specified. (markt)
52461: Don't assume file based URLs when checking last
modified times for global and host level web.xml files. Patch provided
by violetagg. (markt)
Add test cases for the BASIC and NonLogin Authenticators when not using
SSO. Patch provided by Brian Burch. (markt)
Coyote |
52028: Add support for automatic binding to a free port by a
connector if the special value of zero is used for the port. This is
mainly useful in embedded and testing scenarios. (markt)
Remove obsolete emptySessionPath JMX attribute. (rjung)
Correct error in fix for 49683. (markt)
Ensure that the process of unlocking the acceptor thread does not
trigger processing of the connection as if it were a valid request.
Jasper |
52450: Add setter for entityResolver in ParserUtils.
This is mainly useful when jasper and dtds are in different
class loaders. (mturk)
52321: Ensure that the order of multiple prelude/coda values
for JSP pages is respected. (markt)
52335: Only handle <\% and not
\% as escaped in template text. (markt)
52440: Ensure that when using
ValueExpression.getValueReference() if the expression is an
EL variable that the value returned is the ValueReference
for the ValueExpression associated with the EL variable.
52445: Don't assume that EL method expressions have
exactly three components (identifier, method name, paramaters). (markt)
Web applications |
38216: Add the ability to invoke MBean operations to the JMX
proxy sevrlet in the Manager application. Based on a patch by
Christopher Hlubek. (markt)
Further clarify the relation between values used by
RemoteIpValve and RemoteIpFilter
and their use by AccessLogValve . (kkolinko)
52243: Improve windows service documentation to clarify how
to include # and/or ; in the value of an
environment variable that is passed to the service. (markt)
52366: Fix typo in VirtualWebappLoader documentation
(configuration example). (rjung)
Replace Bugzilla search link on ROOT/index.jsp page with
one pointing to the bug reporting page of Tomcat site. (kkolinko)
Move MBean dump code from JMXProxyServlet into a utility class. (rjung)
Tribes |
52208: Fix threading issue that may lead to harmless NPE
during shutdown that has occasionally been observed when running the
unit tests. (markt)
52213, 52354, 52355 and
52356: Fix some potential concurrency issues in
FastQueue . (markt)
jdbc-pool |
r1207712: Pool cleaner should be a global thread, not spawn
one thread per connection pool. (fhanik)
Other |
Update Apache Commons Daemon to 1.0.8. (mturk)
Update Apache Commons Pool to 1.5.7. (kkolinko)
Fix line ends in .gitignore files contained in source
distributions. (rjung)
Run Mapper performance test twice if the first run took too long,
to ignore occasional failures. (kkolinko)
Align .gitignore and build.xml
exclude patterns with svn:ignore . (kkolinko)
Configure defaultexcludes for Ant 1.8.1/1.8.2.
The .git and .gitignore patterns are
in since Ant 1.8.2, but we include .gitignore in
src distributions. (kkolinko)
52237: Allow JUnit logs to be generated in formats other than
plain text. Patch provided by M Hasko. (markt/kkolinko)
Fix build condition for tomcat-dbcp to always rebuild whan a new version
of commons-pool or commons-dbcp is downloaded. (kkolinko)
Add example of configuration for SetCharacterEncodingFilter
to the default web.xml file. (kkolinko)
Switch unit tests to bind Connectors to localhost rather than all
available IP addresses. (markt)
Update to Eclipse JDT Compiler 3.7.1. (markt)
Add Netbeans nbproject folder to svn:ignore
and .gitignore . (rjung)
Align .gitignore with trunk. (rjung)
Tomcat 7.0.23 (markt) | released 2011-11-25 |
Catalina |
46264: Add the ability to start and stop containers
(primarily Contexts) using a thread pool rather than a single thread.
This can significantly improve start and stop time. Based on patches
by Joe Kislo and Felix Schumacher. (markt)
50570: Enable FIPS mode to be set in AprLifecycleListener.
Based upon a patch from Chris Beckey. (schultz/kkolinko)
51744: Throw the correct exception if an application attempts
to modify the associated JNDI context. (markt)
51744: Add an option to the StandardContext that allows
exception throwing when an application attempts to modify the associated
JNDI context to be disabled. (markt)
51910: Prevent NPE on connector stop if Comet applications
are being used without the CometConnectionManagerValve. (markt)
51940: Do not limit saving of request bodies during FORM
authentication to POST requests since any HTTP method may include a
request body. Based on a patch by Nicholas Sushkin. (markt/kkolinko)
51956: RemoteAddrFilter used getRemoteHost instead of
getRemoteAddr when filtering Comet events. (schultz)
51952: Make the inclusion of a response body with a redirect
response introduced to address 41718 optional and disabled by
default due to the side-effects of including a body with the response in
this case. (markt)
51972: Correctly handle protocol relative URLs when used with
sendRedirect() . (markt)
Simplify the deployment code and use full paths in log messages to
remove any ambiguity in where a context is being deployed from. (markt)
52009: Fix a NPE during access log entry recording when an
error occurred during the processing of a Comet request. (markt)
In OneLineFormatter log formatter in JULI always use
the US locale to format the date (esp. the month names). (rjung)
Cache the results of parsing the global and host level web.xml files to
improve web application start time. (markt)
52042: Correct threading issue in annotation caching that
could lead to an NPE if multiple threads were processing the same class
hierarchy for annotations. (markt)
Correct additional threading and premature clearance issues with the
annotation cache. (markt)
Correct a regression in the fix for 49779 that
parameters POSTed by an unauthenticated user to a page that required
FORM authentication were lost during the authentication process.
52055: Ensure that the input and output buffers are correctly
reset between keep-alive requests when using Servlet 3.0 asynchronous
request processing. (markt)
Ensure changes to the configuration of the RemoteHostValve and the
RemoteAddrValve via JMX are thread-safe. (markt)
Ensure the the memory leak protection for the HttpClient keep-alive
always operates even if the thread has already stopped. (markt)
Remove the Java 1.2 specific error handling around the adding of the
shutdown hook. (markt)
Correct errors in i18n resources and resource usage that meant some
messages were either not used or were incorrectly formatted. (markt)
Replace the use of deprecated auth method names from
authenticator.Constants with the auth method names from
HttpServletRequest . (kkolinko)
Make configuration issues for security related Valves and Filters result
in the failure of the valve or filter rather than just a warning
message. (markt)
Improve performance of parameter processing for GET and POST requests.
Also add an option to limit the maximum number of parameters processed
per request. This defaults to 10000. Excessive parameters are ignored.
Note that FailedRequestFilter can be used to reject the
request if some parameters were ignored. (markt/kkolinko)
52091: Address performance issues related to lock contention
in StandardWrapper. Patch provided by Taiki Sugawara. (markt)
Switch to using Collections.enumeration() rather than custom code that
does the same thing. (markt)
52113: Don't assume presence of context.xml file with JMX
deployment. (markt)
In RequestFilterValve (RemoteAddrValve ,
RemoteHostValve ): refactor value matching logic into
separate method and expose this new method isAllowed
through JMX. (kkolinko)
52156: Ensure that
getServletContext().getResource(path) returns the correct
resource when path contains /../ sequences or any other
sequences that require normalization. (markt)
Report existence of HTTP request parameter parsing errors via new
special ServletRequest attribute,
org.apache.catalina.parameter_parse_failed . (kkolinko)
New filter FailedRequestFilter that will reject a request
if there were errors during HTTP parameter parsing. (kkolinko)
Improve special attributes handling in Request object by using hash
table lookup instead of series of string comparisons. (kkolinko)
Deprecate unused methods in IntrospectionUtils class.
Improve processing of errors that are wrapped in
InvocationTargetException . Rethrow fatal errors that must
be rethrown. (kkolinko)
Improve handling of failed web application deployments during automatic
deployment. Once deployment of a web application fails in one form (e.g.
WAR), no further attempt (e.g. directory) will be made to deploy that
web application. The base Lifecycle implementation has been improved to
allow failed web applications to be started once the configuration
issues have been resolved. Any changes to a context.xml file (global,
per host or web application specific) will now result in a redeploy
of the affected web application(s) that ensures that any changes are
correctly applied rather than a reload which ignores changes in
context.xml files. (markt/kkolinko)
52173: Improve Javadoc for delegate attribute
of WebappClassLoader. Based on a patch by bmargulies. (markt)
Add denyStatus attribute to RequestFilterValve
(RemoteAddrValve , RemoteHostValve valves) and
RequestFilter (RemoteAddrFilter ,
RemoteHostFilter filters). It allows to use different
HTTP response code when rejecting denied request. E.g. 404 instead
of 403. (kkolinko)
Slightly improve performance of UDecoder.convert(). Align
%2f handling between implementations. (kkolinko)
Coyote |
51881: Correctly complete Comet requests when the Comet END
event is triggered asynchronously. (markt)
51905: Fix infinite loop in AprEndpoint shutdown if
acceptor unlock fails. Reduce timeout before forcefully closing
the socket from 30s to 10s. (kkolinko)
51912: Fix HTTP header processing in NIO HTTP connector.
Improve MimeHeaders.toString(). (kkolinko)
Fix threading issue in NIO connectors during shutdown that meant Comet
connections were not always shut down cleanly. (markt)
In HTTP connectors: self-guard against using a non-recycled input
buffer. Requests will be rejected with response status 400. (kkolinko)
52121: Fix possible output corruption when compression is
enabled for a connector and the response is flushed. Includes a test
case provided by David Marcks. (kkolinko/markt)
Improve multi-byte character handling in Coyote output for HTTP
and AJP. (rjung)
Refactor acceptor unlock code to reduce waiting time during connector
pause and stop. (markt)
Jasper |
Correct possible (but very small) memory leak when using maxLoadedJsps
to limit the number of JSPs loaded at any one time. (markt)
52051: Better handling of missing resource problems with
non-standard Servlet mappings so that a 404 response is returned to the
client rather than a 500 response. (markt)
52091: Address performance issues related to log creation
in TagHandlerPool. Patch provided by Taiki Sugawara. (markt)
Switch to using Collections.enumeration() rather than custom code that
does the same thing. (markt)
Cluster |
Avoid an unnecessary session ID change notice.
Notice of changed session ID by JvmRouteBinderValve is unnecessary to
BackupManager. In BackupManager, change of session ID is replicated by
the call of a setId() method. (kfujino)
Fix duplicate resetDeltaRequest() call in
DeltaSession.setId(String) . (kkolinko)
Work around a
known JVM bug that is fixed in 1.7.0_01 but still present in
1.6.0_29 and was triggering intermittent unit test failures for
TestGroupChannelMemberArrival.testMemberArrival .
The bug affects any components that use NIO although it was more likely
to be observed in the clustering module than the HTTP or AJP NIO
connector. (markt)
When Context manager does not exist, no context manager message is
replied in order to avoid timeout (default 60sec) of
GET_ALL_SESSIONS sync phase. (kfujino)
Fix setting maxInactiveInterval, sessionIdLength and
processExpiresFrequency for cluster managers. Use setter
when setting maxActiveSessions. (rjung)
Web applications |
50923: Use distinct background color for code
tag in Tomcat documentation, for better readability. (kkolinko)
51630: Fix bug in async0 example that triggered an
IllegalStateException in the application log. (markt)
52025: Add additional information regarding DriverManager,
the service provider mechanism and memory leaks. (markt)
52049: Improve setup instructions for running as a Windows
service: remove references to specific Windows operating systems - it
easily becomes dated; correct information on how a JRE is identified and
selected. (markt)
52172: Clarify Tomcat build instructions. Patch provided
by bmargulies. (kkolinko)
jdbc-pool |
52015: In jdbc-pool: JdbcInterceptor passes not 'this' but
'proxy' to getNext().invoke . (kfujino)
In jdbc-pool: Improve handling of Errors that originate from methods
invoked through reflection. In TrapException interceptor:
rethrow Error as is, without wrapping it in a RuntimeException.
In jdbc-pool: Unwrap InvocationTargetException if it is caught in
ResultSetProxy , like we do it elsewhere. (kkolinko)
When building jdbc-pool from within Tomcat, use Tomcat's
output directory location. This allows to move all build
output away from the source tree. (kkolinko)
Other |
Update the package re-named copy of Commons BCEL (formerly Jakarta BCEL)
to the latest code from Commons BCEL trunk. (markt)
Remove some unused code from the packaged renamed Commons BCEL. (markt)
52059: In Windows uninstaller: Do not forget to remove
Tomcat keys from 32-bit registry on deinstallation. (kkolinko)
Start the process of deprecating unused and unnecessary code that will
be removed in the next major release (8.0.x). (markt)
Ignore .git directory when building the source
distributive. (markt)
Remove trailing whitespace from the default configuration files.
Improve RUNNING.txt . (kkolinko)
Update optional Checkstyle library to 5.5. (kkolinko)
In test suite: add LoggingBaseTest class to allow
use of Tomcat logging configuration in tests that do not start Tomcat.
In test suite: speed up TestGroupChannelSenderConnections .
Remove 48 seconds worth of waits. (kkolinko)
52148: Add tomcat-coyote.jar to catalina-tasks.xml as this
JAR is now required by the Ant tasks. Patch provided by Volker Krebs.
Add sample Apache Commons Daemon JSVC wrapper script
bin/ that can be used with /etc/init.d .
Tomcat 7.0.22 (markt) | released 2011-10-01 |
Catalina |
51550: An additional change that ensures any exceptions
thrown by an Authenticator (or any other Valve configured for the
Context) will be handled by the custom error pages for the Context if an
appropriate error page is configured. (markt)
51580: Added a nicer error message when a WAR file contains
filenames not properly encoded in UTF-8. (schultz)
51687: Added (optional) protection against
sun.java2d.Disposer thread pinning a WebappClassLoader into memory
in the JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener. (schultz)
51741: Fixes a problem with Eclipse WTP "Serve modules
without publishing" feature where applications failed to access
resources when using getResource() on the classloader. (slaurent)
51744: Prevent application code from closing the associated
JNDI context while the application is running. (markt)
Correct a regression with the fix for 51653 that broke custom
error pages for 4xx responses from the Authenticators. Error handling
and request listeners are now handled in the StandardHostValve to ensure
they wrap all Context level activity. (markt)
51758: The digester (used for processing XML files) used the
logger name org.apache.commons.digester.Digester rather
than the expected org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester .
The digester has been changed to use the expected logger name.
51774: Fix incorrect cached method signature that prevented
session tracking modes from being defined in web.xml when running under
a security manager. (markt)
Add an annotation cache to the DefaultInstanceManager that
improves performance for applications that make use of a lot of
non-poolable objects (e.g. tag files) that need to be scanned for
annotations when created. (markt)
Use the specification compliant request attribute of
javax.servlet.request.ssl_session_id to access the SSL
session ID and deprecated the Tomcat specific request attribute. (markt)
Allow to overwrite the check for distributability
of session attributes by session implementations. (rjung)
Add Java 7 sunec.jar and zipfs.jar to the list of JARs
to skip when scanning for TLDs and web fragments. (rjung)
51862: Added a classesToInitialize attribute to
JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener to allow pre-loading of configurable
classes to avoid some classloader leaks. (slaurent)
Reduce visibility of static field and
make it final. (kkolinko)
Add thread name to juli OneLineFormatter. (rjung)
Ensure Servlets that implement ContainerServlet always get treated as
restricted. (markt)
51872: Ensure that the access log always uses the correct
value for the remote IP address associated with the request and that
requests with multiple errors do not result in multiple entries in
the access log. (markt)
Coyote |
Remove unused and undocumented socketCloseDelay attribute from NIO
connector. (markt)
49683: Support separate connection and keep-alive timeouts
for the APR/native connector HTTP and AJP connectors. (markt)
Further re-factoring of the HTTP connectors to align the BIO, NIO and
APR implementations. (markt)
51794: Fix race condition in NioEndpoint. (fhanik)
51811: Correct SSL configuration property name from
sslImplemenationName to sslImplementationName. (rjung)
Fix a timing issue in NIO connector that meant that stopping a connector
did not trigger a Comet END event if the associated processor was
processing a READ event when the connector was stopped. (markt)
Replace unneeded call that iterated events queue in NioEndpoint.Poller.
51860: Fix issues if using NIO with a custom
SSLImplementation. Based on a suggestion by Roman Tsirulnikov. (markt)
Allow the BIO HTTP connector to be used with SSL when running under Java
7. (markt)
Don't send AJP CPONG if endpoint is already paused. (rjung)
Align APR AJP connector with NIO one. Send 503 if endpoint is paused.
Accept AJP request even if endpoint is paused, if CPING was successful.
Jasper |
When unloading JSPs due to configuration of the
maxLoadedJsps initialisation parameter, the unloading code
was retaining a reference to the to the unloaded JSP preventing the
associated class from being unloaded until the JSP that replaced it was
itself unloaded. (markt)
51852: Correct two problems in the handling of varargs
methods with the BeanELResolver. The first meant the wrong method was
sometimes called and the second that an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions
could be thrown. Patch (including a test case) provided by Matt Benson.
Cluster |
Refactor cluster manager configuration: move handling of common
attributes to base class. (kfujino, rjung)
New cluster manager attribute sessionAttributeFilter
allows to filter which session attributes are replicated using a
regular expression applied to the attribute name. (rjung)
Web applications |
Correct the documentation for connectionLinger attribute
for the AJP and HTTP connectors. (markt)
Document caveat of using RemoteAddrValve with IPv6
addresses. (kkolinko)
jdbc-pool |
In jdbc-pool: Avoid IllegalArgumentException when setting maxActive
less than or equal to 0.
ArrayBlockingQueue doesn't allow capacity of 0 or less. (kfujino)
48392 (r1169796): Fix typo in
StatementDecoratorInterceptor . (fhanik)
In jdbc-pool: validatorClassName and suspectTimeout are ignored.
In order to support them correctly, validatorClassName and
suspectTimeout are added to a property list. (kfujino)
In jdbc-pool: Discarded connection is not active in a pool any longer.
It removes from the active connection list. (kfujino)
51871: Fix dependency in Maven POM file of
tomcat-jbdc. (kkolinko)
Other |
Update the "test" target in the default build file to report a test
failure only after all available connector variants (bio, nio, apr)
have been tested. Do not stop after first connector that fails.
51887: When running the unit tests, use a fast but insecure
random number source for session ID generation to reduce the delays
caused by waiting for entropy. (kkolinko/markt)
Code clean-up to further reduce the number of warnings reported by
Eclipse, FindBugs and CheckStyle. (markt/kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.21 (markt) | released 2011-09-01 |
Catalina |
41718: Include a response body when sending a redirect.
51640: Improve the memory leak prevention for leaks triggered
by java.sql.DriverManager. (markt)
51644: Fix annotation scanning for contexts with a
multi-level context path such as /a/b. (markt)
Unregisters MBean of DataSource when web application stops. (kfujino)
51650: Code clean-up. Patch provided by Felix Schumacher.
51653: Move application level error page handling from the
Host to the Context. This ensures that application error page handling
is completed before the requestDestroyed event of any
ServletRequestListener is fired. (markt)
51654: Improve handling of invalid appBase settings for Host
elements. (markt)
51658: Fix possible NPE when logging a failed request. Based
on a suggestion by Felix Schumacher. (markt)
51688: JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener now protects against
AWT thread creation. (schultz)
51712: Ensure cache control headers are sent when appropriate
even if the request is secure. Patch provided by Michael Zampani.
51713: Improve message that is logged if there is an error
in the value of protocol in a Connector .
51739: When using a landing page with FORM authentication
ensure that the request has a valid HTTP method. (markt)
Coyote |
51641: Use correct key when removing processor instances from
the connections map during clean-up. Patch provided by zhh. (mark)
More changes to align the code between the different HTTP connectors.
Ensure AjpMessage headers are correct for the direction of the message.
Code clean-up and re-factoring to reduce duplicate code in the AJP
processor implementations. (markt)
Detect incomplete AJP messages and reject the associated request if one
is found. (markt)
51698: Fix CVE-2011-3190. Prevent AJP message injection.
Jasper |
41673: Use platform line-endings when reporting compilation
errors. (markt)
Cluster |
51736: Make rpcTimeout configurable in BackupManager.
Web applications |
51649: Update the documentation web application to include
the ThreadLocal leak prevention listener. (markt)
Other |
51558: Don't force the use of StandardManager when using
any of the Tomcat#addWebapp() methods. (markt)
51704: Make use of File#mkdirs() more robust.
Tomcat 7.0.20 (markt) | released 2011-08-11 |
Catalina |
Corrected missing comma in the value of jarsToSkip
property in conf/ file, which
caused tomcat-jdbc.jar and commons-beanutils*.jar to be not
ignored when scanning jars for tag libraries. (kkolinko)
41709: Provide exception messages where no message is
provided currently for IllegalStateExcpetions triggered by calling
HttpServletResponse methods when the reponse is committed. (markt)
51509: Fix potential concurrency issue in CSRF prevention
filter that may lead to some requests failing that should not. (markt)
51518: Correct error in web.xml parsing rules for the
<others/> tag when using absolute ordering. (markt)
Move the SetCharacterEncoding filter from the examples web application
to the org.apache.catalina.filters package so it is
available for all web applications. (markt)
51550: Internal errors in Tomcat components that process
requests before they are passed to a web application, such as
Authenticators, now return a 500 response rather than a 200 response.
51555: Allow destroy() to be called on Lifecycle components
that are in the initialized state. (markt)
Add x-threadname pattern format token to ExtendedAccessLogValve to log
the current request thread name. Based on a patch from Felix Schumacher.
51584: Ensure file paths are encoded/decoded when translated
to/from URLs when working with resources from a Context so special
characters don't cause issues. (markt)
51586: Expand error handling to cover anything that is
recoverable (or might be recoverable) when loading classes during
HandlesTypes processing. (markt)
51588: Make it easier to extend the AccessLogValve to add
support for custom elements. (markt)
Ensure that calls to StandardWrapper methods() that may trigger creation
of a Servlet instance always do so in way that correctly instantiates a
Servlet instance. (markt)
In JDBCStore: Committing connection if autoCommit is false.
Make sure committed connection is returned to the pool if datasource is
enabled. (kfujino)
Split condition attribute of AccessLogValve into two,
conditionIf and conditionUnless . Implement
conditional logging that logs only if a request attribute is present.
Allow to have several AccessLogValve instances in the same scope (e.g.
in the same Context). (kkolinko)
51610: If an unchecked exception occurs during a lifecycle
transition (e.g. web application start) ensure that the component is
put into the failed state. (markt)
51614: Avoid calling store.load() and session.expire()
twice in PersistentManager when expiring sessions. (kfujino)
Prevent spurious log warnings on container stop if a child component has
previously failed. (markt)
Add missing getter and setter for the alwaysUseSession attribute of the
authenticators. (markt)
Coyote |
49595: Prevent JVM crash with the AJP APR connector when
flushing a closed socket. (jfclere)
50394: Return -1 instead of throwing an exception when
encountering an EOF while processing an input stream with the HTTP APR
connector. (jfclere)
Correctly handle a connectionTimeout value of -1 (no timeout) for the
HTTP NIO and AJP NIO connectors. (markt)
51503: Add additional validation that prevents a connector
from starting if it does not have a port > 0. (markt)
51557: Ignore HTTP headers that do not comply with RFC 2616
and use header names that are not tokens. (markt)
Improve error handling for HTTP APR if an error occurs while using
sendfile. (markt)
Ensure that when using sendfile, HTTP APR sockets are not added to
multiple pollers. This may cause errors during shutdown. (markt)
Set reuse flag of final AJP END_RESPONSE
packet to 0 if we plan to close the connection. (rjung)
Correctly indicate if socket is closing when calling recycle for the AJP
NIO processor. Note since the flag is unused in this case there were no
bugs triggered by the re-factoring error. (rjung)
Jasper |
51532: JSP files with dependencies in JARs were recompiled on
every access leading to poor performance. (markt)
51544: Correctly resolve bean methods in EL so accessible
methods that are overridden by inaccessible methods do not cause an
IllegalAccessException. (markt)
Web applications |
41498: Add the allRolesMode attribute to the Realm
configuration page in the documentation web application. (markt)
48997: Fixed some typos and correct cross-referencing to the
HTTP Connector documentation with the SSL How-To page of the
documentation web application. (markt)
49122: Improvements and fixes for index page for ROOT web
application. Based on a patch provided by pidster. (markt)
51516: Correct documentation web application to show correct
system property name for changing the name of the SSO session cookie.
Configure the Manager and Host Manager web applications with the Set
Character Encoding Filter to make the default request character encoding
UTF-8 to improve i18n support. Note that best results will be obtained
if the connector is also configured with
URIEncoding="UTF-8" .(markt)
Update the documentation web application to be even more explicit about
the implications of setting the path attribute on a Context element in
server.xml. (markt)
51561: Update the Realm page within the documentation web
application to recommend the use of digest.[bat|sh] to generate digests
rather than calling RealmBase directly. (markt)
51567: Update the class loading page of the documentation
web application to include information on the search order for the
common class loader when separate values are used for $CATALINA_HOME and
Improve class loading documentation and logging documentation.
Add information to the security page of the the documentation web
application for the ciphers attribute of the Connector element. (markt)
Other |
51503: Add additional validation to Windows installer that
ensure that the shutdown port, HTTP port and AJP port are all specified
during the install process. (markt)
51531: Update sample Eclipse classpath file to reflect
updated ECJ jar. Patch provided by Ian Brandt. (markt)
Convert Tomcat unit tests to JUnit 4. (kkolinko)
Update optional CheckStyle library to 5.4. (kkolinko)
Remove resolveHosts attribute from AccessLogValve
configuration in the default server.xml . It was documented
in 7.0.19 that it has no effect. (kkolinko)
Simplify mapping for jsp servlet in the default
web.xml . (kkolinko)
Correctly handle uninstall with the Windows installer if the service is
installed with a name that contains a '-' character. (markt)
51598: Prevent direct invocation of the Windows uninstaller
without a service name from executing since the uninstall will not be
complete. (markt)
Use Tomcat icon (cat) instead of Apache Commons Daemon (feather) one
in the list of uninstallable programs on Windows. (kkolinko)
Update to Apache Commons Daemon 1.0.7. (markt)
51621: Add additional required JARs to the deployer
distribution. (markt)
Fix a small number of warnings reported by FindBugs. (markt)
Update to version 1.1.22 of the native component for the AJP APR/native
and HTTP APR/native connectors. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.19 (markt) | released 2011-07-19 |
Catalina |
Add option to activate access log for unit tests. (rjung)
Fix regression in year number formatting for AccessLogValve. (rjung)
46252: Allow to specify character set to be used to write
the access log in AccessLogValve. (kkolinko)
51494: Prevent an NPE when a long running request completes
if the associated web application was destroyed while the request was
processing. (markt)
Allow choosing a locale for timestamp formatting in AccessLogValve.
When generating access logs for errors, log at the Context/Host level if
a Context or Host can be identified for the failed request. (markt)
Create a directory for access log or error log (in AccessLogValve and
in JULI FileHandler) automatically when it is specified as a part of
the file name, e.g. in the prefix attribute. Earlier this
happened only if it was specified with the directory
attribute. (kkolinko)
Log a failure if access log file cannot be opened. (kkolinko)
Use en_US as locale for timestamps in ExtendedAccessLogValve.
Use en_US as locale for creationdate in WebdavServlet. (rjung)
Coyote |
51477: Support all SSL protocol combinations in the
APR/native connector. This only works when using the native library
version 1.1.21 or later, which is not yet released. (rjung)
Various refactorings to reduce code duplication and unnecessary code in
the connectors. (markt)
Correct regression introduced in 7.0.17 that triggered 400 entries in
the AccessLog when using the AJP/BIO connector. (markt)
Fix regression producing invalid MBean names when using IPV6
addresses for connectors. (rjung)
Add missing thread name in RequestProcessor when Servlet 3 Async
is used. Fixes null thread name in access log and JMX MBean. (rjung)
Fix CVE-2011-2526. Protect against infinite loops (HTTP NIO) and crashes
(HTTP APR) if sendfile is configured to send more data than is available
in the file. (markt)
Prevent NPEs when a socket is closed in non-error conditions after
sendfile processing when using the HTTP NIO connector. (markt)
Cluster |
Remove unnecessary server.xml parsing code for old cluster
implementation that does not ship as part of Tomcat 7. (markt)
Web applications |
Add additional information to the documentation web application on the
benefits and remaining risks when running under a security manager.
51490: Correct broken HTML in JSP tag plugin examples and
improve the <c:if> example to make failures more obvious. Based on
suggestions by Charles. (markt)
Document ExtendedAccessLogValve. (rjung)
Correct default value of enableLookups for connectors
and mention, that resolveHosts for the AccessLogValve
is replaced by enableLookups . (rjung)
jdbc-pool |
Include jdbc-pool into Tomcat release. (fhanik)
Other |
Update to Apache Commons Daemon 1.0.6. (markt)
Update to Eclipse JDT Compiler 3.7. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.18 (markt) | not released |
Catalina |
Correct regression introduced in 7.0.17 that triggered an NPE if a
CrawlerSessionManagerValve was used without setting crawlerUserAgents.
51466: Correct comment typos in HostManagerServlet. Patch
provided by Felix Schumacher. (markt)
51467: Invoke Thread.start() rather than so that
listeners and filters are stopped in a separate thread rather than the
current thread. Patch provided by Felix Schumacher. (markt)
51473: Fix concatenation of values in
SecurityConfig.setSecurityProperty() . (kkolinko)
Fix response.encodeURL() for the special case of an absolute URL
with no path segment (http://name). (rjung)
Coyote |
Correct regression caused by connector re-factoring that made AJP
APR/native connector very unstable on Windows platforms. (markt)
Correct regression caused by connector re-factoring that meant that
sendfile data was not reset between pipe-lined HTTP requests. (markt)
Tribes |
Re-factor tests to align packages for tests with the classes under test.
Start to convert non-JUnit tests to JUnit. Remove unnecessary code.
Add synchronization to receiver socket binding to prevent test failures
on Linux. (markt)
Other |
More code clean-up to remove unused code and reduce IDE warnings.
Further improvements to the Windows installer. (markt/kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.17 (markt) | not released |
Catalina |
48956: Add regular expression support for SSI. (markt)
49165: Allow any time stamp formats supported by
SimpleDateFormat in AccessLogValve. Support logging begin and/or end of
request. (rjung)
50677: Allow system property variables to be used in the
values of "common.loader" and other "*.loader" properties in the file. (kkolinko)
51376: When adding a Servlet via
ServletContext#addServlet(String, Servlet), the Servlet was not
initialized when the web application started and a load on startup value
was set. (markt)
51386: Correct code for processing @HandlesTypes annotations
so only types of interest are reported to a ServletContainerInitializer.
Add the Tomcat extras, ant-junit and Java Help Jars to the list of JARs
to skip when scanning for TLDs and web fragments. (rjung)
The fix for bug 51310 caused a regression that re-introduced
bug 49957 and deleted the contents of the work directory
when Tomcat was shutdown. This fix ensures that that work directory for
an application is not deleted when Tomcat is shutdown. (markt)
Correct issues with JULI's OneLineFormatter including: correctly
re-using formatted timestamps when possible; thread-safety issues in
timestamp formatting; correcting the output of any milliseconds to
include leading zeros and formatting any parameters present.
51395: Fix memory leak triggered when an application that
includes a SAXParserFactory is the first web application to be loaded.
51396: Correctly handle jsp-file entries in web.xml when the
JSP servlet has been configured via code when embedding Tomcat. (markt)
51400: Avoid known bottleneck in JVM when converting between
Strings and bytes by always providing a Charset rather than an encoding
name. Based on a patch by Dave Engberg. (markt)
51401: Correctly initialise shared WebRuleSet instance used
by the digesters that parse web.xml and prevent incorrect warnings about
multiple occurrences of elements that are only allowed to appear once in
web.xml and web-fragment.xml. (kfujino)
51403: Avoid NPE in JULI FileHandler if formatter is
misconfigured. (kkolinko)
Previous improvements in JAR scanning performance introduced a start-up
performance penalty for some use cases. This fix addresses those
performance penalties while retaining the original improvements. (markt)
51418: Provide more control over Context creation when
embedding Tomcat. Based on a patch by Benson Margulies. (markt/kkolinko)
Remove redundant copy of from o.a.c.startup.
Generate this copy for inclusion in bin and src jars during the
ant "compile" task. (rjung)
Use system properties loaded from via the class
path in unit tests. (rjung)
Improve JMX unit test. (rjung)
Fix IllegalStateException for JavaScript files when switching from
Writer to OutputStream. The special handling of this case in the
DefaultServlet was broken due to a MIME type change for JavaScript.
Fix CVE-2011-2204. Prevent user passwords appearing in log files if a
runtime exception (e.g. OOME) occurs while creating a new user for a
MemoryUserDatabase via JMX. (markt)
Fix an issue with the CrawlerSessionManagerValve that meant sessions
were not always correctly tracked. (markt)
51436: Send 100 (Continue) response earlier to enable
ServletRequestListener implementations to read the request body. Based
on a patch by Simon Olofsson. (markt)
Ensure an access log entry is made if an error occurs during
asynchronous request processing and the socket is immediately closed.
Ensure that if asyncDispatch() is called during an onTimeout event and
the target Servlet does not call startAsync() or complete() that Tomcat
calls complete() once the target Servlet exits. (markt)
Improve the handling for Servlets that implement the deprecated
SingleThreadModel when embedding Tomcat. (markt)
51445: Correctly initialise all instances of Servlets that
implement SingleThreadModel. Based on a patch by Felix Schumacher.
51453: Fix a regression in the preemptive authentication
support (enhancement 12428) that could trigger authentication
even if preemptive authentication was disabled. (markt)
Prevent possible NPE when serving Servlets that implement the
SingleThreadModel interface. (markt)
In launcher for embedded Tomcat: do not change catalina.home
system property if it had a value. (kkolinko)
When using Servlets that implement the SingleThreadModel interface, add
the single instance created to the pool when it is determined that a
pool of servlets is required rather than throwing it away. (markt)
Coyote |
Fix unit test for bindOnInit which was failing for APR on some
platforms. (rjung)
Remove superfluous quotes from thread names for connection pools.
Fix crash observed during pausing the connector when using APR.
Only add socket to poller if we are sure we don't close it later.
Various refactorings to reduce code duplication and unnecessary code in
the connectors. (markt)
Correct a regression introduced in Apache Tomcat 7.0.11 that broke
certificate revocation list handling. (markt)
Jasper |
Improve the message printed by TldLocationsCache and add configuration
example to the file. (kkolinko)
33453: Recompile JSPs if last modified time of the source or
any of its dependencies changes either forwards or backwards. Note that
this introduces an incompatible change to the code generated for JSPs.
Tomcat will automatically re-compile any JSPs and tag files found in the
work directory when upgrading from 7.0.16 or earlier to 7.0.17 or later.
If you later downgrade from 7.0.17 or later to 7.0.16 or earlier, you
must empty the work directory as part of the downgrade process. (markt)
36362: Handle the case where tag file attributes (which can
use any valid XML name) have a name which is not a Java identifier.
Broaden the exception handling in the EL Parser so that more failures to
parse an expression include the failed expression in the exception
message. Hopefully, this will help track down the cause of
51088. (markt)
Cluster |
51306: Avoid NPE when handleSESSION_EXPIRED is processed
while handleSESSION_CREATED is being processed. (kfujino)
Notifications of changes in session ID to other nodes in the cluster
should be controlled by notifySessionListenersOnReplication rather than
notifyListenersOnReplication. (markt)
The change in session ID is notified to the container event listener on
the backup node in cluster.
This notification is controlled by
Web applications |
Update Maven repository information in the documentation to reflect
current usage. (markt)
43538: Add host name and IP address to the HTML Manager
application. Patch by Dennis Lundberg. (markt)
Add session="false" directive to the index page of the
ROOT web application. (kkolinko)
51443: Document the notifySessionListenersOnReplication
attribute for the DeltaManager. (markt)
51447: Viewing a back up session in the HTML Manager web
application no longer changes the session to a primary session. Based on
a patch provided by Eiji Takahashi. (markt)
Other |
33262: Install monitor to auto-start for current user only
rather than all users to be consistent with menu item creation. (markt)
40510: Provide an option to install shortcuts for the current
user or all users. Also ensure registry is correctly cleaned on
uninstall for 64-bit platforms. (markt)
50949: Provide the ability to specify the AJP port and
service name when installing Tomcat using the Windows installer. This
permits multiple instances of the same Tomcat version to be installed
side-by-side. (markt)
Clean up shell and batch scripts (improve consistency,
clarify comments, add configtest command support for
Windows). (rjung)
51206: Make CATALINA_BASE visible for (rjung)
Remove unnecessary variable BASEDIR from scripts. (rjung)
51425, 51450: Update Spanish translations. Based
on patches provided by Jesus Marin. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.16 (markt) | released 2011-06-17 |
Catalina |
51249: Further improve system property replacement code
in ClassLoaderLogManager of Tomcat JULI to cover some corner cases.
51264: Improve the previous fix for this issue by returning
the connection to the pool when not in use so it does not appear to be
an abandoned connection. Patch provided by Felix Schumacher. (markt)
51324: Improve handling of exceptions when flushing the
response buffer to ensure that the doFlush flag does not get stuck in
the enabled state. Patch provided by Jeremy Norris. (markt)
Correct a regression in the fix for 51278 that prevented any
web application from being marked as distributable. (kfujino/markt)
Correct a regression in the fix for 51278 that prevented a
web application from overriding the default welcome files. (markt)
Enable remaining valves for Servlet 3 asynchronous processing support.
Avoid possible NPE when logging requests received during embedded Tomcat
shutdown. (markt)
51340: Fix thread-safety issue when parsing multiple web.xml
files in parallel. Apache Tomcat does not do this but products that
embed it may. (markt)
51344: Fix problem with Lifecycle re-factoring for deprecated
embedded class that prevented events being triggered. (markt)
51348: Prevent possible NPE when processing WebDAV locks.
Coyote |
When parsing the port in the HTTP host header, restrict the value to be
base 10 integer digits rather than hexadecimal ones.
Various refactorings to reduce code duplication and unnecessary code in
the connectors. (markt)
Jasper |
Change JAR scanning log messages where no TLDs are found to DEBUG level
and replace the multiple messages with a single INFO level message that
indicates that at least one JAR was scanned needlessly and how to obtain
more info. (markt)
Cluster |
Enable Servlet 3 asynchronous processing support when using clustering.
Web applications |
Correct the log4j configuration settings when defining conversion
patterns in the documentation web application. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.15 (markt) | not released |
Catalina |
27122: Remove a workaround for a very old and since fixed
Mozilla bug and change the default value of the securePagesWithPragma
attribute of the Authenticator Valves to false. These changes should
reduce the likelihood of issues when downloading files with IE. (markt)
35054: Check that a file is not specified for a Host's
appBase and log an error if it is. (markt)
51197: Fix possible dropped connection when sendError or
sendRedirect are used during async processing. (markt)
51221: Correct Spanish translation of text used in a 302
response. Patch provided by Paco Soberón. (markt)
51249: Correct ClassLoaderLogManager system property
replacement code so properties of the form "}${...}" can be used
without error. (markt)
51264: Allow the JDBC persistent session store to use a
JNDI datasource to define the database in which sessions are persisted.
Patch provided by Felix Schumacher. (markt)
51274: Add missing i18n strings in PersistentManagerBase.
Patch provided by Eiji Takahashi. (markt)
51276: Provide an abstraction for accessing content in JARs
so the most efficient method can be selected depending on the type of
URL used to identify the JAR. This improves startup time when JARs are
located in $CATALINA_BASE/lib. (markt)
51277: Improve error message if an application is deployed
with an incomplete FORM authentication configuration. (markt)
51278: Allow ServletContainerInitializers to override
settings in the global default web.xml and the host web.xml. (markt)
51310: When stopping the Server object on shutdown call
destroy() after calling stop(). (markt)
Jasper |
51220: Add a system property to enable tag pooling with JSPs
that use a custom base class. Based on a patch by Dan Mikusa. (markt)
Include a comment header in generated java files that indicates when the
file was generated and which version of Tomcat generated it. (markt)
51240: Ensure that maxConnections limit is enforced when
multiple acceptor threads are configured. (markt)
Cluster |
51230: Add missing attributes to JMX for ReplicationValve and
JvmRouteBinderValve. Patch provided by Eiji Takahashi. (markt)
Web applications |
Add documentation for AJP-NIO connector. (markt/rjung)
51182: Document JAAS supported added in 51119.
Patch provided by Neil Laurance. (markt)
51225: Fix broken documentation links for non-English locales
in the HTML Manager application. Patch provided by Eiji Takahashi.
51229: Fix bugs in the Servlet 3.0 asynchronous examples.
Patch provided by Eiji Takahashi. (markt)
51251: Add web application version support to the Ant tasks.
Based on a patch provided by Eiji Takahashi. (markt)
51294: Clarify behaviour of unpackWAR attribute of
StandardContext components. (markt)
Other |
46451: Configure svn:bugtraq properties for Tomcat trunk.
Based on a patch provided by Marc Guillemot. (markt)
51309: Correct logic in stop when using a PID
file to ensure the correct message is shown. Patch provided by Caio
Cezar. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.14 (markt) | released 2011-05-12 |
Catalina |
Stylistic improvements to MIME type sync script.
Based on a patch provided by Felix Schumacher. (rjung)
Ensure that the SSLValve provides the SSL key size as an Integer rather
than a String. (markt)
Ensure that the RemoteIpValve works correctly with Servlet 3.0
asynchronous requests. (markt)
Use safe equality test when determining event type in the
MapperListener. (markt)
Use correct class loader when loading Servlet classes in
StandardWrapper. (markt)
Provide additional configuration options for the RemoteIpValve and
RemoteIpFilter to allow greater control over the values returned by
ServletRequest#getServerPort() and ServletRequest#getLocalPort() when
Tomcat is behind a reverse proxy. (markt)
Ensure session cookie paths end in / so that session
cookies created for a context with a path of /foo do not
get returned with requests mapped to a context with a path of
/foobar . (markt)
Jasper |
51177: Ensure Tomcat's MapElResolver always returns
Object.class for getType() as required by the
EL specification. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.13 (markt) | not released |
Catalina |
Correct mix-up in Realm Javadoc. (markt)
Fix display of response headers in AccessLogValve. (kkolinko)
Implement display of multiple request headers in AccessLogValve:
print not just the value of the first header, but of the all of them,
separated by commas. (kkolinko)
50306: New StuckThreadDetectionValve to detect requests that
take a long time to process, which might indicate that their processing
threads are stuck. Based on a patch provided by TomLu. (slaurent)
51038: Ensure that asynchronous requests are included in
access logs. (markt)
51042: Don't trigger session creation listeners when a
session ID is changed as part of the authentication process. (markt)
51050: Add additional common but non-standard file extension
to MIME type mappings for MPEG 4 files. Based on a patch by Cédrik Lime.
Add some additional common JARs that do not contain TLDs or web
fragments to the list of JARs to skip when scanning for TLDs and web
fragments. (markt)
While scanning JARs for TLDs and fragments, avoid using JarFile and use
JarInputStream as in most circumstances where JARs are scanned, JarFile
will create a temporary copy of the JAR rather than using the resource
directly. This change significantly improves startup performance for
applications with lots of JARs to be scanned. (markt)
Ensure response is committed when AsyncContext#complete()
is called. (markt)
Add a container event that is fired when a session's ID is changed,
e.g. on authentication. (markt)
51099: Correctly implement non-default login configurations
(configured via the loginConfigName attribute) for the the SPNEGO
authenticator. (fhanik/markt)
51119: Add JAAS authentication support to the
JMXRemoteLifecycleListener. Patch provided by Neil Laurance. (markt)
51136: Provide methods that enable the name of a Context on
Context creation when using Tomcat in an embedded scenario. Based on a
patch provided by David Calavera. (markt)
51137: Add additional Microsoft Office MIME type mappings.
Partial sync of MIME type mapping with mime.types from the Apache web
server. About 600 MIME types added, some changed. (rjung)
Make access logging more robust when logging requests that generate 400
responses since the request object is unlikely to be fully/correctly
populated in that case. (markt)
Coyote |
50957: Fix regression in HTTP BIO connector that triggered
errors when processing pipe-lined requests. (markt)
50158: Ensure the asynchronous requests never timeout if the
timeout is set to zero or less. Based on a patch provided by Chris.
51073: Throw an exception and do not start the APR connector
if it is configured for SSL and an invalid value is provided for
SSLProtocol. (markt)
Align all the connector implementations with the documented default
setting for processorCache of 200. This changes the default from -1
(unlimited) for the AJP-BIO, AJP-APR and HTTP-APR connectors. Additional
information was also added to the documentation on how to select an
appropriate value.
Take account of time spent waiting for a processing thread when
calculating connection and keep-alive timeouts for the HTTP BIO
connector. (markt)
51095: Don't trigger a NullPointerException when the SSL
handshake fails with the HTTP-APR connector. Patch provided by Mike
Glazer. (markt)
Improve handling in AJP connectors of the case where too large a AJP
packet is received. (markt)
Restore the automatic disabling of HTTP keep-alive with the BIO
connector once 75% of the processing threads are in use and make the
threshold configurable. (markt)
Make pollerSize and maxConnections synonyms for the APR connectors since
they perform the same function. (markt)
Use maxThreads rather than 10000 as the default maxConnections for the
BIO connectors. (markt)
Jasper |
47371: Correctly coerce the empty string to zero when used as
an operand in EL arithmetic. Patch provided by gbt. (markt)
Label JSP/tag file line and column numbers when reporting errors since
it may not be immediately obvious what the numbers represent. (markt)
Correct a regression in the fix for 49916 that resulted in
JSPs being compiled twice rather than just once. (markt)
Log JARs that are scanned for TLDs where no TLD is found so that users
can easily identify JARs that can be added to the list of JARs to skip.
Use a single TLD location cache for a web application rather than one
per JSP compilation to speed up JSP compilation. (markt)
51124: Refactor BodyContentImpl to assist in determining the
root cause of this bug. Based on a patch by Ramiro. (markt)
Cluster |
50950: Correct possible NotSerializableException for an
authenticated session when running with a security manager. (markt)
Web applications |
Configure Security Manager How-To to include a copy of the actual
conf/catalina.policy file when the documentation is built, rather
than maintaining a copy of its content. (kkolinko)
Fix broken stylesheet URL in XML based manager status output. (rjung)
51156: Ensure session expiration option is available in
Manager application was running web applications that were defined in
server.xml. (markt)
Other |
Clarify error messages in *.sh files to mention that if a script is
not found it might be because execute permission is needed. (kkolinko)
Update Apache Commons Pool to 1.5.6. (markt)
51135: Fix auto-detection of JAVA_HOME for 64-bit Windows
platforms that only have a 32-bit JVM installed. (markt)
51154: Remove duplicate @deprecated tags in ServletContext
Javadoc. Patch provided by sebb. (markt)
51155: Add comments to @deprecated tags that have none. Patch
provided by sebb. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.12 (markt) | released 2011-04-06 |
Catalina |
Automatically correct invalid paths when specified for Context elements
inside server.xml and log a warning that the configuration has been
corrected. (markt)
Don't unpack WAR files if they are not located in the Host's
appBase. (markt)
Don't log to standard out in SSLValve. (markt)
Handle the case where a web crawler provides an invalid session ID in
the CrawlerSessionManagerValve. (markt)
Update pattern used in CrawlerSessionManagerValve to that used by the
ASF infrastructure team. (markt)
Remove unnecessary whitespace from MIME mapping entries in global
web.xml file. (markt)
When using parallel deployment, correctly handle the scenario when the
client sends multiple JSESSIONID cookies. (markt)
12428: Add support (disabled by default) for preemptive
authentication. This can be configured per context. Based on a patch
suggested by Werner Donn. (markt)
Make the CSRF nonce cache serializable so that it can be replicated
across a cluster and/or persisted across Tomcat restarts. (markt)
Resolve some refactoring TODOs in the implementation of the new Context
attribute "swallowAbortedUploads". (markt)
Include the seed time when calculating the time taken to create
SecureRandom instances for session ID generation, report excessive times
(greater than 100ms) at INFO level and provide a value for the message
key so a meaningful message appears in the logs. (markt)
Don't register Contexts that fail to start with the Mapper. (markt)
48685: Add initial support for SPNEGO/Kerberos authentication
also referred to as integrated Windows authentication. This includes
user authentication, authorisation via the directory using the
user's delegated credentials and exposing the user's delegated
credentials via a request attribute so applications can make use of them
to impersonate the current user when accessing third-party systems that
use a compatible authentication mechanism. Based on a patch provided by
Michael Osipov. (markt)
HTTP range requests cannot be reliably served when a Writer is in use so
prevent the DefaultServlet from attempting to do so. (kkolinko)
Protect the DefaultServlet from Valves, Filters and Wrappers that write
content to the response. Prevent partial responses to partial GET
requests in this case since the range cannot be reliably determined.
Also prevent the DefaultServlet from setting a content length header
since this too cannot be reliably determined. (markt)
50929: When wrapping an exception, include the root cause.
Patch provided by sebb. (markt)
50991: Fix regression in fix for 25060 that called
close on a JNDI resource while it was still available to the
application. (markt)
Provide a configuration option that lets the close method to be used for
a JNDI Resource to be defined by the user. This change also disables
using the close method unless one is explicitly defined for the
resource and limits it to singleton resources. (markt)
Correctly track changes to context.xml files and trigger redeployment
when copyXML is set to false. (markt)
50997: Relax the requirement that directories must have a
name ending in .jar to be treated as an expanded JAR file
by the default JarScanner. Based on patch by Rodion Zhitomirsky. (markt)
Don't append the jvmRoute to a session ID if the jvmRoute is a zero
length string. (markt)
Don't register non-singelton DataSource resources with JMX. (markt)
CVE-2011-1184: Provide additional configuration options for the DIGEST
authenticator. (markt)
Provide a workaround for Tomcat hanging during shutdown when running the
unit tests. (markt)
Coyote |
50887: Add support for configuring the JSSE provider used to
convert client certificates. Based on a patch by pknopp. (markt)
50903: When a connector is stopped, ensure that requests that
are currently in a keep-alive state and waiting for client data are not
processed. Requests where processing has started will continue to
completion. (markt)
50927: Improve error message when SSLCertificateFile is not
specified when using APR with SSL. Based on a patch provided by sebb.
50928: Don't ignore keyPass attribute for HTTP BIO and
NIO connectors. Based on a patch provided by sebb. (markt)
Cluster |
Securely seed the SecureRandom instance used for UUID generation and
report excessive creation time (greater than 100ms) at INFO level.
Web applications |
50924: Clean-up HTTP connector comparison table. (markt)
Slightly expanded the documentation of the Host element to clarify the
relationship between host name and DNS name. (markt)
50925: Update SSL how-to to take account of
keyPass connector attribute. (markt)
Improve Tomcat Logging documentation. (kkolinko)
Align the authenticator documentation and MBean descriptors with the
implementation. (markt)
Prevent the custom error pages for the Manager and Host Manager
applications from being accessed directly. (markt)
50984: When using the Manager application ensure that
undeployment fails if a file cannot be deleted. (markt)
Other |
Update Eclipse JDT complier to 3.6.2. (markt)
Update WSDL4J library to 1.6.2 (used by JSR 109 support in the extras
package). (markt)
Update optional CheckStyle library to 5.3. (markt)
50911: Reduce noise generated during the build of the Windows
installer so warnings are more obvious. Patch provided by sebb. (markt)
Further work to reduce compiler and validation warnings across the code
base. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.11 (markt) | released 2011-03-11 |
Catalina |
CVE-2011-1088: Completed fix. Don't ignore @ServletSecurity
annotations. (markt)
25060: Close Apache Commons DBCP datasources when the
associated JNDI naming context is stopped (e.g. for a non-global
DataSource resource on web application reload) to close remaining
database connections immediately rather than waiting for garbage
collection. (markt)
26701: Provide a mechanism for users to register their own
URLStreamHandlerFactory objects. (markt)
50855: Fix NPE on HttpServletRequest.logout() when debug
logging is enabled. (markt)
New context attribute "swallowAbortedUploads" allows
to make request data swallowing configurable for requests
that are too large. (rjung)
50854: Add additional permissions required by the Manager
application when running under a security Manager and support a shared
Manager installation when $CATALINA_HOME != CATALINA_BASE. (markt)
50893: Add additional information to the download README for
the extras components. (markt)
Calling stop() and then destroy() on a
connector incorrectly triggered an exception. (markt)
Coyote |
48208: Allow the configuration of a custom trust manager for
use in CLIENT-CERT authentication. (markt)
Fix issues that prevented asynchronous servlets from working when used
with the HTTP APR connector on platforms that support TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT.
Jasper |
Correct possible threading issue in JSP compilation when development
mode is used. (markt)
50895: Don't initialize classes created during the
compilation stage. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.10 (markt) | released 2011-03-08 |
Catalina |
CVE-2011-1088: Partial fix. Don't ignore @ServletSecurity
annotations. (markt)
27988: Improve reporting of missing files. (markt)
28852: Add URL encoding where missing to parameters in URLs
presented by Ant tasks to the Manager application. Based on a patch by
Stephane Bailliez. (markt)
Improve handling of SSL renegotiation by failing earlier when the
request body contains more bytes than maxSavePostSize. (markt)
Improve shut down speed by not renewing threads during shut down when
the ThreadLocalLeakPreventionListener is enabled. (markt)
Coyote |
49284: Add SSL re-negotiation support to the HTTP NIO
connector and extend test cases to cover CLIENT-CERT authentication.
Tomcat 7.0.9 (markt) | not released |
Catalina |
19444: Add an option to the JNDI realm to allow role searches
to be performed by the authenticated user. (markt)
21669: Add the ability to specify the roleBase for the JNDI
Realm as relative to the users DN. Based on a patch by Art W. (markt)
22405: Add a new Lifecycle listener, that prevents
Tomcat from starting insecurely. It requires that Tomcat is not started
as root and that a umask at least as restrictive as 0007 is used. This
new listener is not enabled by default.
48863: Better logging when specifying an invalid directory
for a class loader. Based on a patch by Ralf Hauser. (markt/kkolinko)
48870: Refactor to remove use of parallel arrays. (markt)
Enhance the RemoteIpFilter and RemoteIpValve so that the modified remote
address, remote host, protocol and server port may be used in an access
log if desired. (markt)
Restore access to Environments, Resources and ResourceLinks via JMX
which was lost in early 7.0.x re-factoring. (markt)
Remove ServerLifecycleListener. This was already removed from server.xml
and with the Lifecycle re-factoring is no longer required. (markt)
Add additional checks to ensure that sub-classes of
org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase correctly implement
the expected state transitions. (markt)
50189: Once the application has finished writing to the
response, prevent further reads from the request since this causes
various problems in the connectors which do not expect this. (markt)
50700: Ensure that the override attribute of context
parameters is correctly followed. (markt)
50721: Correctly handle URL decoding where the URL ends in
%nn. Patch provided by Christof Marti. (markt)
50737: Add additional information when an invalid WAR file is
detected. (markt)
50748: Allow the content length header to be set up to the
point the response is committed when a writer is being used. (markt)
50751: When authenticating with the JNDI Realm, only attempt
to read user attributes from the directory if attributes are required.
50752: Fix typo in debug message in deprecated Embedded
class. (markt)
50789: Provide an option to enable ServletRequestListeners
for forwards as required by some CDI frameworks. (markt)
50793: When processing Servlet 3.0 async requests, ensure
that the requestInitialized and requestDestroyed events are only fired
once per request at the correct times. (markt)
50802: Ensure that
ServletContext.getResourcePaths() includes static resources
packaged in JAR files in its output. (markt)
Web crawlers can trigger the creation of many thousands of sessions as
they crawl a site which may result in significant memory consumption.
The new Crawler Session Manager Valve ensures that crawlers are
associated with a single session - just like normal users - regardless
of whether or not they provide a session token with their requests.
Don't attempt to start NamingResources for Contexts multiple times.
50826: Avoid IllegalArgumentException if an
embedded Tomcat instance that includes at least one Context is destroyed
without ever being started. (markt)
Ensure a web application is taken out of service if the web.xml file is
not valid. (kkolinko/markt)
Ensure Servlet 2.2 jspFile elements are correctly converted to use a
leading '/' if missing. (markt)
50836: Better documentation of the meaning of
Lifecycle.isAvailable() and correct a couple of cases where
this could incorrectly return true. (markt)
Coyote |
50780: Fix memory leak in APR implementation of AJP
connector introduced by the refactoring for 49884. (markt)
If server configuration errors and/or faulty applications caused the
ulimit for open files to be reached, the acceptor threads for all
connectors could enter a tight loop. This loop consumed CPU and also
logged an error message for every iteration of the loop which lead to
large log files being generated. The acceptors have been enhanced to
better handle this situation. (markt)
Jasper |
50720: Ensure that the use of non-ISO-8859-1 character sets
for web.xml does not trigger an error when Jasper parses the web.xml
file. (markt)
50726: Ensure that the use of the genStringAsCharArray does
not result in String constants that are too long for valid Java code.
50790: Improve method resolution in EL expressions. (markt)
Cluster |
50771: Ensure HttpServletRequest#getAuthType() returns the
name of the authentication scheme if request has already been
authenticated. (kfujino)
Other |
50743: Cache CheckStyle results between builds to speed up
validation. Patch provided by Oliver. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.8 (markt) | released 2011-02-05 |
Catalina |
Fix NPE in CoyoteAdapter when postParseRequest() call fails. (kkolinko)
50709: Make ApplicationContextFacade non-final to
enable extension. (markt)
When running under a security manager, user requests may fail with a
security exception. (markt)
Coyote |
Reduce level of log message for invalid URL parameters from WARNING to
INFO. (markt)
Fix hanging Servlet 3 asynchronous requests when using the APR based AJP
connector. (markt)
Other |
Align server.xml installed by the Windows installer with the one
bundled in zip/tar.gz files. The differences are LockOutRealm being
used and AccessLogValve being enabled by default. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.7 (markt) | not released |
Catalina |
18462: Don't merge stdout and
stderr internally so users retain the option to treat them
separately. (markt)
18797: Provide protection against null or zero
length names being provided for users, roles and groups in the
MemoryRealm and UserDatabaseRealm . (markt)
Improve fix for 50205 to trigger an error earlier if invalid
configuration is used. (markt)
Provide additional control over component class loaders, primarily for
use when embedding. (markt)
Fix NPE in RemoteAddrFilter, RemoteHostFilter. (kkolinko)
49711: HttpServletRequest#getParts will work in a filter
or servlet without an @MultipartConfig annotation or
MultipartConfigElement if the new "allowCasualMultipartParsing"
context attribute is set to "true". (schultz)
49978: Correct another instance where deployment incorrectly
failed if a directory in the work area already existed. (markt)
50582: Refactor access logging so chunked encoding is not
forced for all requests if bytes sent is logged. (markt)
50597: Don't instantiate a new instance of a Filter if
an instance was provided via the
ServletContext.addFilter(String, Filter) method. Patch
provided by Ismael Juma. (markt)
50598: Correct URL for Manager text interface. (markt)
50620: Stop exceptions that occur during
Session.endAccess() from preventing the normal completion
of Request.recycle() . (markt)
50629: Make StandardContext.bindThread() and
StandardContext.unbindThread() protected to allow use by
sub-classes. (markt)
Use getName() instead of logName() in error messages in StandardContext.
50642: Move the
keep-alive thread memory leak protection from the
JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener to the WebappClassLoader since the
thread that triggers the memory leak is created on demand. (markt)
50673: Improve Catalina shutdown when running as a service.
Do not call System.exit(). (kkolinko)
50683: Ensure annotations are scanned when
unpackWARs is set to false in the Host
where a web application is deployed. (markt)
Improve HTTP specification compliance in support of
Accept-Language header. This protects from known exploit
of the Oracle JVM bug that triggers a DoS, CVE-2010-4476. (kkolinko)
Coyote |
Prevent possible thread exhaustion if a Comet timeout event takes a
while to complete. (markt)
Prvent multiple Comet END events if the CometServlet calls
event.close() during an END event. (markt)
50325: When the JVM indicates support for RFC 5746, disable
Tomcat's allowUnsafeLegacyRenegotiation configuration
attribute and use the JVM configuration to control renegotiation.
50405: Fix occassional NPE when using NIO connector and
Comet. (markt)
Ensure correct recycling of NIO input filters when processing Comet
events. (markt)
50627: Correct interaction of NIO socket and Poller when
processing Comet events. (markt)
Correct interaction of APR socket and Poller when processing Comet
events. (markt)
50631: InternalNioInputBuffer should honor
maxHttpHeadSize . (kkolinko)
Jasper |
Improve special case handling of
javax.servlet.jsp.el.ScopedAttributeELResolver in
javax.el.CompositeELResolver to handle sub-classes. (markt)
15688: Use fully-qualified class names in generated jsp files
to avoid naming conflicts with user imports. (markt)
46819: Remove redundant object instantiations in
JspRuntimeLibrary. Patch provided by Anthony Whitford. (markt)
Improve error message when EL identifiers are not valid Java identifiers
and use i18n for the error message. (markt)
50680: Prevent an NPE when using tag files from an exploded
JAR file, e.g. from within an IDE. Patch provided by Larry Isaacs.
Cluster |
50591: Fix NPE in ReplicationValve. (kkolinko)
Internationalise the log messages for the FarmWarDeployer. (markt)
50600: Prevent a ConcurrentModificationException
when removing a WAR file via the FarmWarDeployer. (markt)
Be consistent with locks on sessionCreationTiming,
sessionExpirationTiming in DeltaManager.resetStatistics(). (kkolinko)
50648: Correctly set the interrupt status if a thread using
RpcChannel is interrupted waiting for a message reply.
Based on a patch by Olivier Costet. (markt)
50646: Ensure larger Tribes messages are fully read. Patch
provided by Olivier Costet. (markt)
50679: Update the FarmWarDeployer to support parallel
deployment. (markt)
Web applications |
22278: Add a commented out RemoteAddrValve that
limits access to the Manager and Host Manager applications to localhost.
Based on a patch by Yann Cébron. (markt)
Correct a handful of Javadoc warnings. (markt)
Provide additional detail about how web application version order is
determined when using parallel deployment. (markt)
Correct the documentation for the recoveryCount count attribute of the
the default cluster membership. (markt)
50441: Clarify when it is valid to set the docBase attribute
in a Context element. (markt)
50526: Provide additional documetation on configuring
JavaMail resources. (markt)
50599: Use correct names of roles required to access the
Manager application. (markt)
Other |
Extend the Checkstyle tests to check for license headers. (markt)
Modify the build script so a release build always rebuilds the
dependencies to ensure that the correct Tomcat version appears in the
manifest. (markt)
Code clean-up to remove unused code and reduce IDE warnings. (markt)
50601: Code clean-up. Patch provided by sebb. (markt)
50606: Improve CGIServlet: Provide support for specifying
empty value for the executable init-param. Provide support
for explicit additional arguments for the executable. Those were
broken when implementing fix for bug 49657. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.6 (markt) | released 2011-01-14 |
General |
Update to Apache Commons Daemon 1.0.5. (mturk)
Catalina |
8705: org.apache.catalina.SessionListener now
extends java.util.EventListener . (markt)
10526: Add an option to the Authenticator s to
force the creation of a session on authentication which may offer some
performance benefits. (markt)
10972: Improve error message if the className attribute is
missing on an element in server.xml where it is required. (markt)
48692: Provide option to parse
application/x-www-form-urlencoded PUT requests. (schultz)
48822: Include context name in case of error while stopping
or starting a context during its reload. Patch provided by Marc
Guillemot. (slaurent)
48837: Extend thread local memory leak detection to include
classes loaded by subordinate class loaders to the web
application's class loader such as the Jasper class loader. Based
on a patch by Sylvain Laurent. (markt)
48973: Avoid creating a SESSIONS.ser file when stopping an
application if there's no session. Patch provided by Marc Guillemot.
49000: No longer accept specification invalid name only
cookies by default. This behaviour can be restored using a system
property. (markt)
49159: Improve memory leak protection by renewing threads of
the pool when a web application is stopped. (slaurent)
49372: Re-fix after connector re-factoring. If connector
initialisation fails (e.g. if a port is alreasy in use) do not trigger
an LifecycleException for an invalid state transition.
49543: Allow Tomcat to use shared data sources with per
application credentials. (fhanik)
49650: Remove unnecessary entries package.access property
defined in Patch provided by Owen Farrell. (markt)
50106: Correct several MBean descriptors. Patch provided by
Eiji Takahashi. (markt)
Further performance improvements to session ID generation. Remove legacy
configuration options that are no longer required. Provide additional
options to control the SecureRandom instances used to
generate session IDs. (markt)
50201: Update the access log reference in
StandardEngine when the ROOT web application is redeployed,
started, stopped or defaultHost is changed. (markt/kkolinko)
50282: Load with
JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener to avoid memory leak when
stopping a web application that would use JAAS. (slaurent)
50351: Fix the regression that broke BeanFactory resources
caused by the previous fix for 50159. (markt)
50352: Ensure that AsyncListener.onComplete() is
fired when AsyncContext.complete() is called. (markt)
50358: Set the correct LifecycleState when stopping instances
of the deprecated Embedded class. (markt)
Further Lifecycle refactoring for Connectors and associated components.
Correct handling of versioned web applications in deployer. (markt)
Correct removal of LifeCycleListener s from
Container s via JMX. (markt)
Don't use null s to construct log messages. (markt)
Code clean-up. Replace use of inefficient constructors with more
efficient alternatives. (markt)
50411: Ensure sessions are removed from the
Store associated with a PersistentManager .
50413: Ensure 304 responses are not returned when using
static files as error pages. (markt/kkolinko)
50448: Fix possible IllegalStateException
caused by recent session management refactoring. (markt)
Ensure aliases settings for a context are retained after a context is
reloaded. (markt)
Log a warning if context.xml files define values for properties that do
not exist (e.g. if there is a typo in a property name). (markt)
50453: Correctly handle multiple X-Forwarded-For
headers in the RemoteIpFilter and RemoteIpValve. Patch provided by Jim
Riggs. (markt)
50541: Add support for setting the size limit and time limit
for LDAP seaches when using the JNDI Realm with userSearch .
All configuration options that use regular expression now require a
single regular expression (using java.util.regex ) rather
than a list of comma-separated or semi-colon-separated expressions.
50496: Bytes sent in the access log are now counted after
compression, chunking etc rather than before. (markt)
50550: When a new directory is created (e.g. via WebDAV)
ensure that a subsequent request for that directory does not result in a
404 response. (markt)
50554: Code clean up. (markt)
50556: Improve JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener to prevent
a potential class loader leak caused by a thread spawned when the class
com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapPoolManager is initialized and the
system property com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool.timeout is
set to a value greater than 0. (slaurent)
Coyote |
47319: Return the client's IP address rather than null
for calls to getRemoteHost() when the APR connector is
used with enableLookups="true" but the IP address
is not resolveable. (markt)
50108: Add get/set methods for Connector property
minSpareThreads. Patch provided by Eiji Takahashi. (markt)
50360: Provide an option to control when the socket
associated with a connector is bound. By default, the socket is bound on
Connector.init() and released on
Connector.destroy() as per the current behaviour but this
can be changed so that the socket is bound on
Connector.start() and released on
Connector.stop() . This fix also includes further Lifecycle
refactoring for Connectors and associated components. (markt)
Remove a huge memory leak in the NIO connector introduced by the fix
for 49884. (markt)
50467: Protected against NPE triggered by a race condition
that causes the NIO poller to fail, preventing the processing of further
requests. (markt)
Jasper |
13731: Make variables in _jspService() method
final where possible. (markt)
50408: Fix NoSuchMethodException when using
scoped variables with EL method invocation. (markt)
50460: Avoid a memory leak caused by using a cached exception
instance in JspDocumentParser and
ProxyDirContext . (kkolinko)
50500: Use correct coercions (as per the EL spec) for
arithmetic operations involving string values containing '.',
'e' or 'E'. Based on a patch by Brian Weisleder.
Cluster |
50185: Add additional trace level logging to Tribes to assist
with fault diagnosis. Based on a patch by Ariel. (markt)
Don't try and obtain session data from the cluster if the current
node is the only node in the cluster. Log requesting session data as
INFO rather than WARNING. (markt)
50503: When web application has a version, Engine level
Clustering works correctly. (kfujino)
50547: Add time stamp for CHANGE_SESSION_ID message and
SESSION_EXPIRED message. (kfujino)
Web applications |
21157: Ensure cookies are written before the response is
commited in the Cookie example. Patch provided by Stefan Radzom. (markt)
50294: Add more information to documentation regarding format
of configuration files. Patch provided by Luke Meyer. (markt)
Correctly validate provided context path so sessions for the ROOT web
application can be viewed through the HTML Manager. (markt)
Improve documentation of database connection factory. (rjung)
50488: Update classpath required when using jsvc and add a
note regarding server VMs. (markt)
Further filtering of Manager display output. (kkolinko)
Other |
Don't configure Windows installer to use PID file since it is not
removed when the service stops which prevents the service from starting.
14416: Make TagLibraryInfo.getTag() more robust
at handling null s. (markt)
50552: Avoid NPE that hides error message when using Ant
tasks. (schultz)
Provide two alternative locations for the libraries downloaded from
the ASF web site at build time. Use the main distribution site as
default and the archive one as fallback. (kkolinko)
Tomcat 7.0.5 (markt) | beta, 2010-12-01 |
General |
Update to Apache Commons Daemon 1.0.4. (mturk)
Catalina |
3839: Provide a mechanism to gracefully handle the case where
users book-mark the form login page or otherwise misuse the FORM
authentication process. Based on a suggestion by Mark Morris. (markt)
49180: Add option to disable log rotation in
juli FileHandler. Patch provided by Pid (pidster at apache). (funkman)
49991: Ensure servlet request listeners are fired for
the login and error pages during FORM authentication. (markt)
50107: When removing a Host via JMX, do not attempt to
destroy the host's pipeline twice. Patch provided by Eiji
Takahashi. (markt)
50138: Fix threading issues in . (markt)
50157: Ensure MapperListener is only added to a container
object once. (markt)
50159: Add a new attribute for <Resource>
elements, singleton , that controls whether or not a new
object is created every time a JNDI lookup is performed to obtain the
resource. The default value is true , which will return the
same instance of the resource in every JNDI lookup. (markt)
50168: Separate the Lifecycle.DESTROY_EVENT into
Lifecycle.AFTER_DESTROY_EVENT . Use the additional state to
ensure that Context objects are only destroyed once.
50169: Ensure that when a Container is started that it
doesn't try and register with the mapper unless its parent has
already started. Patch provided by Eiji Takahashi. (markt)
50222: Modify memory leak prevention code so it pins the
system class loader in memory rather than than the common class loader,
which is better for embedded systems. Patch provided by Christopher
Schultz. (markt)
Improve debug logging for MapperListener registration. (markt)
Expose names of LifecycleListeners and ContainerListeners for
StandardContext via JMX. (markt)
Add a new option, resourceOnlyServlets , to Context elements
that provides a mechanism for working around the issues caused by new
requirements for welcome file mapping introduced in Servlet 3.0. By
default, the existing Tomcat 6.0.x welcome file handling is used.
Make Tomcat more tolerant of null when generating JMX names
for Valves. (markt)
Make AccessLogValve attribute enabled changeable via JMX.
Correct infinite loop if ServletRequest.startAsync(ServletRequest,
ServletResponse) was called. (markt)
50232: Remove dependency between StoreBase and
PersistentManager and associated code clean-up. Patch provided by
Tiago Batista. (markt)
50252: Prevent ClassCastException when using a
<ResourceLink>. Patch provided by Eiji Takahashi. (markt)
Reduce synchronization in session managers to improve performance of
session creation. (markt)
If starting children automatically when adding them to a container (e.g.
when adding a Context to a Host) don't lock the parent's set
of children whilst the new child is being started since this can block
other threads and cause issues such as lost cluster messages. (markt)
Implement support for parallel deployment. This allows multiple versions
of the same web application to be deployed to the same context path at
the same time. Users without a current session will be mapped to the
latest version of the web application. Users with a current session will
continue to use the version of the web application with which the
session is associated until the session expires. (markt)
50308: Allow asynchronous request processing to call
AsyncContext.dispatch() once the asynchronous request has
timed out. (markt)
Make memory leak prevention code that clears ThreadLocal instances more
robust against objects with toString() methods that throw exceptions.
Coyote |
49860: Complete support for handling trailing headers in
chunked HTTP requests. (markt)
Impose a limit on the length of the trailing headers. The limit
is configurable with a system property and is 8192
by default. (kkolinko)
50207: Ensure Comet timeout events are triggered. This bug
was a regression triggered by the fix for 49884. (markt)
Jasper |
49297: Enforce the rules in the JSP specification for parsing
the attributes of custom and standard actions that require that
the attribute names are unique within an element and that there is
whitespace before the attribute name. The whitespace test can be
disabled by setting the system property
org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.STRICT_WHITESPACE to
false . Attributes of the page directive have slightly
different rules. The implementation of that part of the fix is based on
a patch by genspring. (markt)
50105: When processing composite EL expressions use rather than Enum.toString() as
required by the EL specification. (markt)
Fix minor thread-safety and performance issues in the implementation
of maxLoadedJsps . (rjung)
Add support for unloading JSPs that have not been requested for a
long time using the new parameter jspIdleTimeout . (rjung)
Add logging and JMX support to JSP unloading. (rjung)
50192: Improve performance for EL when running under a
security manager. Based on a patch by Robert Goff. (markt)
50228: Improve recycling of BodyContentImpl .
This avoids keeping a cached reference to a webapp-provided Writer
used in JspFragment.invoke() calls. (kkolinko)
50273: Provide a workaround for an HP-UX issue that can
result in large numbers of SEVERE log messages appearing in the logs as
a result of normal operation. (markt)
50293: Increase the size of internal ELResolver array from 2
to 8 since in typical usage there are at least 5 resolvers. Based on a
patch by Robert Goff. (markt)
Cluster |
Add support for maxActiveSessions attribute to BackupManager. (kfujino)
Improve sending an access message in DeltaManager.
maxInactiveInterval of not Manager but the session is used.
If maxInactiveInterval is negative, an access message is not sending.
50183: BIO sender was not scheduling tasks to the executor
during normal operation. Patch provided by Ariel. (markt)
50184: Add an option to the RpcChannel to enable the Channel
send options to be set for the reply message. Based on a patch by Ariel.
Ensure that a new Context waiting for session data from other nodes in
the cluster does not block the processing of clustering messages for
other Contexts. (markt)
Web applications |
49426: Localize messages in the Manager application based on
the Locale of the user rather than the default Locale of the server.
Localize messages in the Host Manager application based on the Locale of
the user rather than the default Locale of the server. (markt)
50242: Provide a sample log4j configuration that more
closely matches the default JULI configuration. Patch provided by
Christopher Schultz. (markt)
Restore the ability to edit the contents of /WEB-INF and /META-INF via
WebDAV via the provision of a new configuration option,
allowSpecialPaths. (markt)
Correct broken links for on-line JavaDocs. (markt)
50230: Add new DistributedManager interface that is
implemented by the Backup Manager to remove circular dependency between
tomcat-catalina-ha and tomcat-catalina modules. Also allows third-party
distributed Manager implementations to report full session information
through the HTML Manager. (markt)
Improve Tomcat Logging documentation. (kkolinko)
50303: Update JNDI how-to to reflect the new JavaMail
download location and that JAF is now included in Java SE 6. (markt)
Fix ordering functionality on sessions page for the HTML Manager
application. (markt)
Fix primary sessions not always being treated as such in the HTML
Manager application. (markt)
Fix message not being displayed after session attribute removal in the
HTML Manager application. (markt)
50310: Fix display of Servlet information in the Manager
application. (markt)
CVE-2010-4172: Multiple XSS in the Manager application. (markt/kkolinko)
50316: Fix display of negative values in the Manager
application. (kkolinko)
50318: Avoid NPE when trying to view session detail for an
expired session in the Manager application. (markt)
Other |
Correct a handful of Javadoc warnings. (markt)
22965: Fix some typos and formatting issues in the global
web.xml file. Based on a patch by Yann Cébron. (markt)
Extend Checkstyle validation checks to check for unused imports. (markt)
General code clean-up to reduce (not eliminate) the number of warnings
reported by IDEs. (markt)
50140: Don't ignore a user specified installation
directory when performing a silent install with the Windows installer on
64-bit platforms. (markt)
Reimplemented Windows installer dialogs, using modern libraries
(nsDialogs, MUI2). (kkolinko)
When installing with the Windows installer on 64-bit platforms, allow
the user to select either a 32-bit JDK or a 64-bit JDK. If a 32-bit JDK
is selected, the 32-bit service wrapper and the 32-bit native DLL will
be installed. If a 64-bit JDK is selected, the 64-bit service wrapper
and the 64-bit native DLL will be installed. (markt/kkolinko)
Create Windows shortcuts for the Manager and Host Manager webapps.
Support /? command line option in the Windows Installer. (kkolinko)
Display and allow to change roles for the Tomcat admin user in the
Windows installer. (kkolinko)
In the Windows installer: do not leave stale server.xml
and tomcat-users.xml fragments in the $TEMP folder.
49819: Redesign of home page by Pid (pidster at apache).
Tomcat 7.0.4 (markt) | beta, 2010-10-21 |
Catalina |
49428: Re-implement the fix for bug 49428 –
namespace issues for some Microsoft WebDAV clients. (kkolinko)
49669: Fix memory leak triggered by using the deprecated class. (markt)
49922: Don't add filter twice to filter chain if the
filter matches more than one URL pattern and/or Servlet name. Patch
provided by heyoulin. (markt)
49937: Use an InstanceManager when creating an AsyncListener
through the AsyncContext to ensure annotations are processed. Based on a
patch by David Jencks. (markt)
To avoid NoSuchMethodException, xmlValidation and xmlNamespaceAware are
removed from the createStandardHost definition
of mbeans-descriptors.xml. (kfujino)
49945: Continue improvements to JMX. Fix a handful of
attributes that were showing as Unavailable in JConsole. Patch provided
by Chamith Buddhika. (markt)
49952: Allow ServletContainerInitializers to add listeners to
a web application. Patch provided by David Jencks. (markt)
49956: Handle case when @Resource annotation uses the full
JNDI name for a resource. Based on a patch by Gurkan Erdogdu. (markt)
49557: Correct regression due to Lifecycle refactoring that
cleared all work directories (with compiled JSPs and persisted sessions)
when Tomcat was stopped. (markt)
49978: Correctly handle the case when a directory expected
to be created during web application start is already present. Rather
than throwing an exception and failing to start, allow the web
application to start normally. (markt)
49987: Fix thread safety issue with population of servlet
context initialization parameters. (markt)
49994: As per the Java EE 6 specification, return a new
object instance for each JNDI look up of a resource reference. (markt)
50015: Re-factor dynamic servlet security implementation to
make extensions, such as JACC implementations, simpler. Patch provided
by David Jencks. (markt)
50016: Re-factor isUserInRole() and
login()/logout() methods to support JACC implementations
and to improve encapsulation. Patch provided by David Jencks. (markt)
50017: Code clean-up. No functional change. Patch provided by
sebb. (markt)
50027: Avoid NPE on start when a Context is defined in
server.xml with one or more JNDI resources. (markt)
50059: JARs should always be searched for static resources
even if the web application is marked as meta-data complete. (markt)
50063: Correct regression in fix for 50059 that
causes applications marked as meta-data complete to return 404s for all
requests. Patch provided by heyoulin. (markt)
50087: Catch ClassFormatErrors when scanning for annotations.
Coyote |
49923: Avoid using negative timeouts during acceptor unlock
to ensure APR connector shuts down properly. (mturk)
49972: Fix potential thread safe issue when formatting dates
for use in HTTP headers. (markt)
50003: Set not maxThreads but minSpareThreads to
corePoolSize, if AbstractEndpoint.setMinSpareThreads is called.
50044: Fix issue when using comet where socket remained in
long poll after the comet request has ended. (markt)
50054: Correctly handle the setting of minSpareThreads in
AJP connector. (kfujino)
50072: Fix issues when using a non-blocking read for the
request line with the NIO connector that could result in the request
line being mis-read. (markt)
Jasper |
49986: Fix thread safety issue for JSP reload. (timw)
49998: Make jsp:root detection work with single quoted
attributes as well. (timw)
Correctly handle the setting of primitive bean values via expression
language. (markt)
Don't swallow exceptions when processing TLD files and handle the
case when there is no web.xml file. (markt)
50066: Fix building of recursive tag files when the file
depends on a JAR file. Patch provided by Sylvain Laurent. (markt)
50078: Fix threading problem in EL caches. Patch provided by
Takayoshi Kimura. (markt)
Make EL cache sizes configurable. (markt)
Web applications |
Apply filters to default home page so copyright year is correctly
displayed. (markt)
Other |
48716: Do not call reset if the default LogManager is in use.
50013: Correctly package classes from
org.apache.tomcat.util.file and add the tomcat-util.jar to
the class path for the Ant tasks. Based on a patch provided by
Sylvain Laurent. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.3 (markt) | not released |
Catalina |
48644: Review all instances of catching Throwable and
re-throw where appropriate. (markt)
Allow glob patterns in the jarsToSkip configuration and add
some debug logging to the jar scanner. (rjung)
48738: Workaround a couple of long standing JDK bugs to
enable GZIP compressed output streams to be flushed. Based on a patch
provided by Jiong Wang. (markt)
48967: Replace strings "catalina.base" and "catalina.home"
by globally defined constants. Patch provided by Marc Guillemot. (rjung)
49195: Don't report an error when shutting down a Windows
service for a Tomcat instance that has a disabled shutdown port. (markt)
49209: Prevent possible AccessControlException during
undeployment when running with a security manager. Patch provided by
Sylvain Laurent. (markt)
49657: Handle CGI executables with spaces in the path.
49667: Ensure that using the JDBC driver memory leak
prevention code does not cause a one of the memory leaks it is meant to
avoid. (markt)
49670: Restore SSO functionality that was broken by Lifecycle
refactoring. (markt)
49698: Allow a listener to complete an asynchronous request
if it times out. (markt)
49714: The annotation process of Jar doesn't influence
distributable element of web.xml. (kfujino)
49721: Alls JAR in a web application should be searched for
resources, not just those with a web-fragment.xml that is going to be
processed. (markt)
49728: Improve PID file handling when another process is
managing the PID file and Tomcat does not have write access. (markt)
49730: Fix a race condition in StandardThreadExector that can
cause requests to experience large delays. Patch provided by Sylvain
Laurent. (markt)
49749: Single sign on cookies should have httpOnly flag set
using same rules as session cookies. (markt)
49750: Align WebappClassLoader.validate()
implementation with Javadoc and ensure that javax.servlet.*
classes can not be loaded by a WebappClassLoader instance.
Patch provided by pid. (markt)
49757: Correct some generics warnings. Based on a patch
provided by Gábor. (markt)
49779: Improve handling of POST requests and FORM
authentication, particularly when the user agent responds to the 302
response by repeating the POST request including a request body. Any
request body provided at this point is now swallowed. (markt)
CSRF prevention filter did not correctly handle URLs that used anchors.
Fix memory leak on web application stopped caused by failed to
de-register the web application's Servlets with the MBean server.
More tweaks to the Lifecycle refactoring to ensure that when a component
is being destroyed, the destroy method is only called once on each
child component. (markt)
Keep the MBean names for web applications consistent between Tomcat 6
and Tomcat 7. (markt)
49856: Add an executorName attribute to Connectors so it is
possible to trace ThreadPool to Connector to Executor via the JMX
interface. (markt)
49865: Tomcat failed to start if was not
present. (markt)
49876: Fix the generics warnings in the copied Apache Jakarta
BCEL code. Based on a patch by Gábor. (markt)
49883: Ensure that the CombinedRealm and LockOutRealm return
a name for use in log messages rather than throwing an
UnsupportedOperationException . (markt)
49884: Fix occassional NullPointerException on async
complete(). This resulted in a major refactoring of the async
implementation to address a number of threading issues. (markt)
Update the version numbers in ServerInfo defaults to Tomcat 7.0.x.
49892: Correct JNDI name for method resource injections.
Based on a patch by Gurkan Erdogdu. (markt)
Ensure that Context elements defined in server.xml use any configClass
setting specified in the parent Host element. (markt)
GSOC 2010. Enable the creation of Services, Engines, Connectors, Hosts
and Contexts via JMX from a minimal server.xml that contains only a
Server element. Based on a patch by Chamith Buddhika. (markt)
49909: Fix a regression introduced with the fix for
47950 that prevented JSTL classes being loaded. (markt)
49915: Make error more obvious, particularly when accessed
via JConsole, if StandardServer.storeConfig() is called when there is
no StoreConfig implementation present. (markt)
50018: Fix some minor Javadoc errors in Jasper source.
Based on a patch by sebb. (timw)
50021: Correct a regression in the fix for 46844
that may have caused additional problems during a failure at start up.
50026: Prevent serving of resources from WEB-INF and
META-INF directories when DefaultServlet or WebdavServlet is mapped
to a sub-path of the context. This changes DefaultServlet to always
serve resources with paths relative to the root of the context
regardless of where it is mapped, which is a breaking change for
current servlet-mappings that map the default servlet to a subpath.
50689: Provide 100 Continue responses at appropriate points
during FORM authentication if client indicates that they are expected.
Coyote |
Wait for the connectors to exit before closing them down. (mturk)
Follow up to 48545. Make JSSE connectors more tolerant of a
incorrect trust store password. (markt)
Fix some edge cases in the NIO connector when handling requests that are
not received all at the same time and the socket needs to be returned to
the poller. (markt)
Further work to reduce the code duplication in the HTTP connectors.
Make sure acceptor threads are stopped when the connector is stopped.
Make sure async timeout thread is stopped when the connector is stopped.
49625: Ensure Vary header is set if response may be
compressed rather than only setting it if it is compressed. (markt)
49802: Re-factor connector pause, stop and destroy methods so
that calling any of those methods has the expected results. (markt)
Various refactorings to reduce code duplication and unnecessary code in
the connectors. (markt)
49860: Add partial support for trailing headers in chunked
HTTP requests. (markt)
Jasper |
49665: Provide better information including JSP file name and
location when a missing file is detected during TLD handling. Patch
provided by Ted Leung. (markt)
49726: Specifying a default content type via a JSP property
group should not prevent a page from setting some other content type.
49799: The new omit attribute for
jsp:attribute elements now supports the use of expressions
and expression language. (markt)
49916: Switch to using an initialisation parameter to pass
JSP file information from Catalina to Jasper. This simplifies the
Catalina code as well as making it easier for Geronimo and others to
integrate Jasper. Patch provided by David Jencks. (markt)
49985: Fix thread safety issue in EL parser. (markt)
Cluster |
Remove domainReplication attribute from ClusterManager.
If you send session to only same domain, use DomainFilterInterceptor.
Add Null check when CHANGE_SESSION_ID message received. (kfujino)
Add support for LAST_ACCESS_AT_START system property to DeltaSession.
Avoid a NPE in the DeltaManager when a parallel request invalidates the
session before the current request has a chance to send the replication
message. (markt)
49905: Prevent memory leak when using asynchronous session
replication. (markt)
49924: When non-primary node changes into a primary node,
make sure isPrimarySession is changed to true. (kfujino)
Web applications |
Correct the class name of the default JAR scanner in the documentation
web application. (rjung)
49585: Update JSVC documentation to reflect new packaging
of Commons Daemon. (markt)
Update the Servlet, JSP and EL Javadoc links to link to the
specifications and the relevant part of the Java EE 6 Javadoc. (markt)
Update a few places in the docs where the Manager documentation referred
to the old role name of manager rather than than the new manager-script.
Extras |
49861: Don't log RMI ports formatted with commas for the
JMX remote listener. (markt)
Other |
Correct the user names created by the Windows installer for the Manager
and Host Manager applications. (mturk)
Correct the Eclipse compiler dependency in the Jasper POM. (markt)
Extend Checkstyle validation checks to check import order. (markt)
49758: Fix generics warnings exposed by a fix in Eclipse 3.6.
Patch provided by sebb. (markt)
Update Apache Commons Pool to 1.5.5. (markt)
49955: Improvement and correction of Building Tomcat guide.
Based on a patch from Wesley Acheson. (timw)
Tomcat 7.0.2 (markt) | beta, 2010-08-11 |
Catalina |
Fix regression that prevented running with a security manager enabled.
Web applications |
Correct Javadoc errors. (markt)
Provide Javadoc for Servlet 3.0 API, JSP 2.2 API and EL 2.2 API.
Remove second copy of RUNNING.txt from the full-docs distribution. Some
unpacking utilities can't handle multiple copies of a file with the same
name in a directory. (markt)
Other |
Extend Checkstyle validation checks to check for tabs in nearly all text
files. (markt)
Update Apache Commons Daemon from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3. (markt)
Update Eclipse JDT Core Batch Compiler (ecj.jar) from 3.5.1 to 3.6.
Tomcat 7.0.1 (markt) | not released |
Catalina |
GSOC 2010. Continue work to align MBean descriptors with reality. Patch
provided by Chamith Buddhika. (markt)
When running under a security manager, enforce package access and
package definition restrictions defined in the file.
When using a Loader configured with
searchExternalFirst="true" failure to find the
class in an external repository should not prevent searching of the
local repositories. (markt)
Add entryPoint support to the CSRF prevention filter. (markt)
48297: Correctly initialise handler chain for web services
resources. (markt)
48960: Add a new option to the SSI Servlet and SSI Filter to
allow the disabling of the exec command. This is now
disabled by default. Based on a patch by Yair Lenga. (markt)
48998, 49617: Add the ExpiresFilter, a port of the
httpd mod_expires module. Patch provided by Cyrille Le Clerc. (markt)
49030: When initializing/starting/stopping connectors and
one of them fails, do not ignore the others. (markt/kkolinko)
49128: Don't swallow exceptions unnecessarily in
WebappClassLoader.start() . (markt)
49182: Align comments in setclasspath.[sh|bat] with
behaviour. Based on a patch provided by sebb. (markt)
49230: Enhance JRE leak prevention listener with protection
for the keep-alive thread started by . Based on a patch provided by
Rob Kooper. (markt)
49414: When reporting threads that may have triggered a
memory leak on web application stop, attempt to differentiate between
request processing threads and threads started by the application.
49428: Add a work-around for the known namespace issues for
some Microsoft WebDAV clients. Patch provided by Panagiotis Astithas.
Add support for *.jar pattern in VirtualWebappLoader.
Use a LockOutRealm in the default configuration to prevent attempts to
guess user passwords by brute-force. (markt)
49478: Add support for user specified character sets to the
AddDefaultCharsetFilter . Based on a patch by Felix
Schumacher. (markt)
49503: Make sure connectors bind to their associated ports
sufficiently early to allow jsvc and the
org.apache.catalina.startup.EXIT_ON_INIT_FAILURE system property to
operate correctly. (markt)
49525: Ensure cookies for the ROOT context have a path of /
rather than an empty string. (markt)
49528, 49567: Ensure that
AsyncContext.isAsyncStarted() returns the correct value
after AsyncContext.start() and that if
AsyncContext.complete() is called on a separate thread that
it is handled correctly. (markt)
49530: Contexts and Servlets not stopped when Tomcat is shut
down. (markt)
49536: If no ROOT context is deployed, ensure a 404 rather
than a 200 is returned for requests that don't map to any other context.
Additional debug logging in StandardContext to provide information on
Manager selection. (markt)
49550: Supress deprecation warning where deprecated code is
required to be used. No functional change. Patch provided by Sebb.
49551: Allow default context.xml location to be specified
using an absolute path. (markt)
Improve logging of unhandled exceptions in servlets by including the
path of the context where the error occurred. (markt)
Include session ID in error message logged when trying to set an
attribute on an invalid session. (markt)
Improve the CSRF protection filter by using SecureRandom rather than
Random to generate nonces. Also make the implementation class used user
configurable. (markt)
Avoid NullPointerException, when copyXML=true and META-INF/context.xml
does not exist. (kfujino)
49598: When session is changed and the session cookie is
replaced, ensure that the new Set-Cookie header overwrites the old
Set-Cookie header. (markt)
Create a thread to trigger asynchronous timeouts when using the BIO
connector, change the default timeout to 10s (was infinite) and make the
default timeout configurable using the asyncTimeout
attribute on the connector. (pero/markt)
49600: Make exceptions returned by the
ProxyDirContext consistent for resources that weren't found
by checking the DirContext or the cache. Test case based on
a patch provided by Marc Guillemot. (markt)
49613: Improve performance when using SSL for applications
that make multiple class to Request.getAttributeNames() .
Patch provided by Sampo Savolainen. (markt)
Handle the edge cases where resources packaged in JARs have names that
start with a single quote character or a double quote character. (markt)
Correct copy and paste typo in web.xml parsing rules that mixed up
local-ejb-ref and resource-env-ref . (markt)
Refactor session managers to remove unused code and to reduce code
duplication. Also, all session managers used for session replication now
extend org.apache.catalina.ha.session.ClusterManagerBase .
Jasper |
Remove references to Jikes since it does not support Java 6. (markt)
Correct over zealous type checking for EL in attributes that broke the
use of JSF converters. (markt)
Correct algorithm used to identify correct method to use when a
MethodExpressions is used in EL. (markt)
49217: Ensure that identifiers used in EL meet the
requirements of the Java Language Specification. (markt)
Improve logging of JSP exceptions by including JSP snippet (if enabled)
rather than just the root cause in the host log. (markt)
49555: Correctly handled Tag Libraries where functions are
defined in static inner classes. (markt)
Cluster |
49127: Don't swallow exceptions unnecessarily in
SimpleTcpReplicationManager.startInternal() . (markt)
49407: Change the BackupManager so it is consistent with
DeltaManager and reports both primary and backup sessions when active
sessions are requested. (markt)
49445: When session ID is changed after authentication,
ensure the DeltaManager replicates the change in ID to the other nodes
in the cluster. (kfujino)
Web applications |
49112: Update the ROOT web application's index page. Patch
provided by pid. (markt)
49213: Add the permissions necessary to enable the Manager
application to operate currently when running with a security manager.
49436: Correct documented default for readonly attribute of
the UserDatabase component. (markt)
49475: Use new role name for manager application access on
the ROOT web application's index page. (markt)
49476: CSRF protection was preventing access to the session
expiration features. Also switch the manager application to the generic
CSRF protection filter. (markt)
Better handle failure to create directories required for new hosts in
the Host Manager application. (markt)
Switch the Host Manager application to the generic CSRF protection for
the HTML interface and prevent started hosts from being started and
stopped hosts from being stopped. (markt)
49518: Fix typo in extras documentation. (markt)
49522: Fix regression due to change of name for MBeans for
naming resources that broke the complete server status page in the
manager application. Note these MBeans now have a new name. (markt)
49570: When using the example compression filter, set the
Vary header on compressed responses. (markt)
Add redirects for the root of the manager and host-manager web
applications that redirect users to the html interface rather than
returning a 404. (markt)
Provide the HTML Manager application with the ability to differentiate
between primary, backup and proxy sessions. Note that proxy sessions are
only shown if enabled in web.xml. (markt)
Other |
49130: Better describe the core package in the Windows
installer, making it clear that the service will be installed. Patch
provided by sebb. (markt)
Re-factor unit tests to enable them to be run once with each of the HTTP
connector implementations (BIO, NIO and APR/native). (markt)
49268: Add the necessary plumbing to include CheckStyle in
the build process. Start with no checks. Additional checks will be
added as they are agreed. (markt)
Updated to Ant 1.8.1. The build now requires a minimum of Ant 1.8.x.
Update the re-packaged version of commons-fileupload from 1.2.1 to
1.2.2. The layout of re-packaged version was also restored to the
original commons-fileupload layout to make merging of future updates
easier. (markt)
Update the re-packaged version of Jakarta BCEL from trunk revision
880760 to trunk revision 978831. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.0 (markt) | beta, 2010-06-29 |
Catalina |
Update Servlet support to the Servlet 3.0 specification. (all)
Improve and document VirtualWebappLoader. (rjung)
43642: Add prestartminSpareThreads attribute for Executor.
Switch from AnnotationProcessor to InstanceManager. Patch provided by
David Jecks with modifications by Remy. (remm/fhanik)
r620845 and r669119. Make shutdown address
configurable. (jfclere)
r651977 Add some missing control checks to
ThreadWithAttributes . (markt)
r677640 Add a startup class that does not require any
configuration files. (costin)
r700532 Log if temporary file operations within the CGI
servlet fail. Make sure header Reader is closed on failure. (markt)
r708541 Delete references to DefaultContext which was removed
in 6.0.x. (markt)
r709018 Initial implementation of an asynchronous file handler
for JULI. (fhanik)
Give session thisAccessedTime and lastAccessedTime clear semantics.
Expose thisAccessedTime via Session interface. (rjung)
Provide a log format for JULI that provides the same information as the
default but on a single line. (markt)
r723889 Provide the ability to configure the Executor job
queue size and a timeout for adding jobs to the queue. (fhanik)
Add support for aliases to StandardContext. This allows content from
other directories and/or WAR files to be mapped to paths within the
context. (markt)
Provide clearer definition of Lifecycle interface, particularly start
and stop, and align components that implement Lifecycle with this
definition. (markt)
48662: Provide a new option to control the copying of context
XML descriptors from web applications to the host's xmlBase. Copying of
XML descriptors is now disabled by default. (markt)
Move comet classes from the org.apache.catalina package to the
org.apache.catalina.comet package to allow comet to work under a
security manager. (markt)
Coyote |
Port SSLInsecureRenegotiation from mod_ssl. This requires
to use tomcat-native 1.2.21 that have option to detect this
support from OpenSSL library. (mturk)
Allow bigger AJP packets also for request bodies and responses
using the packetSize attribute of the Connector. (rjung)
| r703017 Make Java socket options consistent between NIO
and JIO connector. Expose all the socket options available on (fhanik)
46051: The writer returned by getWriter() now
conforms to the PrintWriter specification and uses platform
dependent line endings rather than always using \r\n .
Use tc-native 1.2.x which is based on APR 1.3.3+ (mturk)
r724239 NIO connector now always uses an Executor. (fhanik)
r724393 Implement keepAliveCount for NIO connector in a thread
safe manner. (fhanik)
r724849 Implement keep alive timeout for NIO connector.
Jasper |
Update JSP support to the JSP 2.2 specification. (markt)
Update EL support to the EL 2.2 specification. (markt)
r787978 Use "1.6" as the default value for compilerSourceVM
and compilerTargetVM options of Jasper. (kkolinko)
48358: Add support for limiting the number of JSPs that are
loaded at any one time. Based on a patch by Isabel Drost. (markt)
48689: Access TLD files through a new JarResource interface
to make extending Jasper simpler, particularly in OSGi environments.
Patch provided by Jarek Gawor. (markt)
High Availability |
Add support for UDP and secure communication to tribes. (fhanik)
Add versioning to the tribes communication protocol to support future
developments. (fhanik)
Add a demo on how to use the payload. (fhanik)
Started to add JMX support to the cluster implementation. (markt)
r609778 Minor fixes to the throughput interceptor and the
NIO receiver. (fhanik)
r630234 Additional checks for the NIO receiver. (fhanik)
r671650 Improve error message when multicast is not enabled.
Web applications |
r631321 Update changelog to support the <rev> element
in the documentation. (fhanik)
A number of additional roles were added to the Manager and Host Manager
applications to separate out permissions for the HTML interface, the
text interface and the JMX proxy. (markt)
CSRF protection was added to the Manager and Host Manager applications.
List array elements in the JMX proxy output of the Manager application.
Extras |
A new JmxRemoteLifecycleListener that can be used to fix the ports used
for remote JMX connections, eg when using JConsole. (markt)
Other |
Numerous code clean-up changes including the use of generics and
removing unused imports, fields, parameters and methods. (markt)
All deprecated internal code has been removed. Warning: If you
have custom components for a previous Tomcat version that extend
internal Tomcat classes and override deprecated methods it is highly
likely that they will no longer work. (markt)
Parameterize version number throughout build scripts and source. (rjung)